Wednesday 27 June 2018

The purpose of our Life

In whatever state of life we are placed, God's purpose for our life, is to live a Holy life in HIM.
Although we live in the  world of Vanity, our hearts should always be focused in living a life of sanctity in God.
While living in this world of Vanity, we must always pray to be Wise– that we give to Caesar1, what belongs2 to Caesar and  never to  be indifferent3 in giving to God, what belongs to God.

We are pilgrims in this world. This world  is not our home. God's purpose for our life is— that we live our short life,  Beautifully and Wonderfully in HIM–  being a light to the world and guiding others4 on the path of Eternal life, through  our Faithful and virtuous life in HIM.

We are placed in this world, where God's presence seems to be far-off. God's purpose for our life is–  that we live each day with Faith and Hope of Eternal life in HIM.

God Blessed HIS creation to be fruitful and to multiply.  God's purpose for our life is to be fruitful in HIS  Love  and to spread the fragrance of Sanctity, by our deeds of Love.

God created this world in HIS Faithful Love. HE wants us to live in HIS  Love and Reverence.

1. A prototype of the world.

2. Whatever duties the world requires us to do, we must do it Faithfully.

3. We must never be indifferent in doing our duty of Love towards God- to honour God in all places, at all times; to live as becoming children of God.

4. People of weak Faith; people of other faiths .

Sunday 24 June 2018

How is your Faith?

Where there is Faith–  there is Reverence1 of God.
Where there is Faith-  there is Conscientious2 living.
Where there is Faith-  there is life of Love3.
Where there is Faith-  there is Hope of Eternal life, in Jesus Christ.

1. Being aware of God's presence at all times and being careful of bringing dishonor to God's name among the people of other faiths; living a life of salt.

2. Christian living is a conscientious living- in every place and at all times, all our deeds should carry the mark and quality of Christ's Love. No mediocre living; no pretence and outward appearance of being a Christian.

3. To be Humble; to be Understanding; to be Forgiving; to be Charitable.