Sunday 3 February 2019

Man shall not live by bread alone

There are two strengths which govern and maintain our well-being viz. the strength of immunity and the strength of God's Grace.

With advancing age our immunity may weaken, but God's Grace always remains invincibly strong and it protects us against wickedness and every kind of harm.

God has created us in such a way that for the greater part of our life we should rely on the strength of HIS Grace and less on our own strength— that we live humbly and in Gratefulness to God— and not exult  in the  Pride of our strength1.

Trust in God and live in HIS Grace2.

It is better to be in the hands of God than to rely on the weak rampart of our own immune strength.

1. Physical; Intellectual; Emotional.
2. Stay away from everything that corrupts our soul.