Thursday 13 June 2019

God's Love is Wonderful

Love keeps us united with God.
Love overcomes sin.
Love brings wicked and unbelievers to repentance and new life in God.
Love readily encourages our heart to Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

Love lives in TRUTH— TRUTH1 keeps us in Peace.
Love keeps us focused on God and always reminds us of the promise of Eternal life.
Love brings our life to Perfection— in God.
Love honours God and is always careful to avoid sin.
Love guides us to live wisely.

Love makes us fearless2.
Love gives us the strength to live Humbly and peacefully, even in difficult circumstances— always trusting in God.
Love Humbly and Patiently suffers— always trusting in God and hoping in the promise of Eternal life.
Love lives united with sufferings to bring Glory to God.

Love lives in Faithful Obedience to God.
Love lives conscientiously in honour of God.
Love lives Humbly in God.
Love keeps our life alive in God.
Love leads us to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Love is fruitful3 and generous.
Love lives selflessly in honour of God.
Love always lives in gratefulness to God.
Love does not seek or desire worldly commendation4— it  longingly hopes in God for Eternal reward.
Love brings order5 to our life.
Love fills our life with Joyful surprise and wonders.
Love makes our life Beautiful and Holy.

1. Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of the living God.

2. Fearless to live the Truth of God and to proclaim HIS word. Love makes us fearless in the face of death— in times of persecution.

3. Love keeps on growing and flourishing and bearing fruits in Spirit; it keep on giving generously.

4. Love performs every duty; task and responsibility with faithful obedience and sincerity, in honour of God— without the need for Praise or reward.

5. When we do not live in Love, every aspect of our life suffers— our patience; our tolerance; our ability to understand others; our relationship with others; our ability to forgive others— we mess up our life— eventually, we lose our inner peace.