Wednesday 1 May 2019

Begin with Faith— and end in Love

To begin new life in God— we always begin with our Faith1 in God.
'Faith in God' is the foundation for every other virtue to grow upon and prosper.
In proportion to our growing Faith— we grow in the Love of God; in Reverence towards God; in our understanding about God; in Patience and Perseverance; in Holiness and in all the other virtues.

Practicing a single virtue of Faith helps2 other virtues to grow progressively.
Keeping the fire of Faith going strong, helps other virtues to grow strong in God.
Finally, it is the virtue of Love which brings all the virtues to perfection in God.
The virtue of Love brings our life to a fruitful end in God.

1. One must acknowledge God (the Creator of Life and universe)— one must believe that Jesus is the Son of the living God.
2. Practicing a single virtue helps: all the virtues are interconnected with each other. Each virtue complements the excellence of other.