Wednesday 26 February 2020

Living by the Spirit of God

Human nature is weak and is more bent towards sin.
Sin will continue to dominate our flesh, as long as we are inclined to live by our natural inclinations1.
When we choose to live by the Spirit2, the Spirit inclines our heart towards the love of God— to live humbly and obediently, in the reverence of God.
Consequently, wicked nature begins to subside— when God's presence is enthroned in our heart.
Sin no longer continues to tyrannize our flesh, when Faith and Love begins to live in our life.

1. Natural inclinations are inclined towards fulfilling selfish and disordered desires of the flesh.
Natural inclinations follow human principles and is opposed to God's  Commandment of Love.  Natural inclinations burden  and attack our soul— with sin.

2. To commit our daily life to Prayer; to Faith ( be calm and believe that God is always with us ); to Reverence (doing our daily work, to the best of our ability, as done for God); to loving and understanding others; Spiritual reading (reading Holy Bible and lives of Saints); to Charity and to deeds of Mercy— as much as opportunities and circumstances allow. Frequently receiving Holy Sacraments viz. Holy Eucharist and Confession. Fasting (when inspired by God ) in the honour of God. Doing little sacrifices— abstaining from certain habits and activities that do not lead us towards God.

Remember, God loves a cheerful giver— so do everything cheerfully, without reluctance or under compulsion.