Wednesday 19 October 2016

The weed-of-confusion and the wheat-of-God's Love

In the sowers parable, Jesus refers to HIMSELF as the sower of the Good seed (the wheat)- Love for humble and repentant life in God; Love for God the Heavenly Father; Love for Heavenly Kingdom. The tempter is the sower of weed- the weed of confusion; the weed of distortions in faith. In this world, the tempter strives with a cunning intention of directing people to one God; of making people believe in one God; of making Jesus' sacrifice for our salvation worthless; that God has no *son; that Jesus is not our salvation, through whom the Heavenly  Father leads HIS children to HIMSELF. The tempter misled the Jews- that Jesus is not the Messiah- that the Messiah is yet to come- and brought the wrath of God on them, for their unbelief. The tempter has sown the weed-of-distorted faith among the wheat-of-God's Love. We(Christians), who have received the grace of Love from Jesus Christ, need to live in this Love and give testimony through our life of love, that Jesus is the son of the living God- that HE is our salvation- that HE is the only way, through whom the world will be redeemed- the only way; the only Truth, which leads to Eternal Life. Let the light of God shine through our good deeds and give testimony that Jesus is the light of the world. Let us come to repentance and give testimony through our transformed life- that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Let people turn towards God and commune with God through the Holy Eucharist and give testimony through their strengthened Faith- that Jesus is the living bread of life.

* At Baptism, the voice from Heaven testified: "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”

At Transfiguration, the voice from Heaven said: “This is my Son, the Beloved; with HIM I am well pleased; listen to him!”.

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