Daily Word |
" Daily Word " is a bread of Eternal Life, which gives life to our soul. Lord Jesus said : " I am the Bread of Life... the words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.
Keeping this in mind , I designed the logo with " DAILY WORD= DAILY BREAD= DAILY NOURISHMENT " as the prime focus.
" W " is in the form of Hands. Hands of the Church- which in the name of God, preaches Good News- breaking the Bread- Word-of-God , for the people.
The centre of " W "- the steeple- indicates the Church.
The 'Red cross' indicates the passion of Our Lord- the suffering; the sacrifice.
" O " is in the form of Bread.
" r " is drawn in the form of a sprout- in green color, indicating new life. ' Daily Word ' gives New Life to the People.
The vertical line of " D " indicates the breaking of the bread.
The Blue background indicates universality. Daily Word is preached to all, despite the caste, creed or color.
The word, " Daily " is in yellow- symbolic of day.
P.S. I created this logo design, specially for Silent Unity's " Daily Word " spiritual magazine- as my thanksgiving to their generosity.
Many years back, when ' Silent Unity ' were operating in India, they sent me complementary copies of their magazine for considerable time. This logo design is my appreciation for their magnanimity.