Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Do we have the Faith, to wait upon God?

God has Beautiful plans for each one of us.
Do we have the Faith?
Do we have the Courage?
Do we have the Patience?
Do we have the Humility?–  to wait upon God, and see the wonderful miracle1 of life.

1. As the life unfolds, God's plans gradually come to fulfillment for  each one of us– in HIS time, according to HIS will.

The God who created us, is Trustworthy. HE will make our life Beautiful and worthy– if we persevere in our Faithful and Humble trust in HIM.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

We belittle the commandments of God.

We belittle the commandments of God.

In our negligence to observe God's commandments, we foolishly spent our lives following the cultures and traditions of the world-  making our lives miserable; unworthy1 and more burdensome.

Only God's commandments has the Grace to guide human lives and to bring Unity; Harmony; Order and Peace.

1. Unworthy of Eternal Life.