Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Let God be revered

Let God be revered in our life.
For HIS love is Faithful.
For HE alone forgives. For with HIM is generous ransom1.
HE alone saves us from perdition.
HE alone restores us.
HE alone brings us to new life in HIM.

1. God relented from bringing destruction on Nineveh. HE does not treat us as our sins deserve, but generously forgives us– like prodigal son's Merciful Father.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Suffering- a good companion for life

In the journey of life, suffering is our good companion1.
For Christ suffered for us, first- HE died for us.
Now, it's our turn, to take up our cross2 and follow3 HIM daily.
And HE will bring us to Eternal Glory.

1. Good companion: In suffering patiently and willingly for God, we find Jesus for our 'good companion'.  HE assures us of HIS strong presence during the moments of our weaknesses and sufferings. By patiently bearing our suffering, we share in HIS sufferings. Through suffering we are perfected in God's grace.

2. The difficulties and pain that time and circumstances bring in our life.

3. To trust HIM wholeheartedly despite the contrary circumstances and to persevere in deeds of Love and Mercy.