Saturday, 8 February 2020

Priority of our life

Everything suffers, when we live according to our priorities1— rather than the priorities of God.
Our priorities affect the quality of life that we live and the relationship that we share.

No matter what your profession is; no matter what the state of your life is; no matter what your agenda for your life is— let God be the first priority of your life.
Doing things according to God's priority will bring order and Peace to our life.
God's priority and God's most Holy will for our life is— living according to the Commandment of Love— being Loving and Forgiving; being Patient and Understanding.

Good relationship is the key ingredient of our life.
God's priority grants us the Grace to live our life worthily (in the honour of God) and enables us to handle every relationship.
With God's priority, we can live any2 kind of life and traverse through any circumstanceswith Peace in our heart.

1. Our priorities are for our own selfish needs. Our priorities are egocentric— which may disagree with other person's priority. Conversely, God's priorities are for the common good of all.

2. Single; married or consecrated life.