Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Sufferings and Blessings

Every Cross1 that we face in our life and every burden2 that is laid down on our shoulders,  has a Blessing3 attached to it–  if it is lived with Faith and Humility in Christ.

1. Physical sufferings viz. physical disability; illnesses etc; the difficulties and pain that time and circumstances bring in our life.
In the weakness of our flesh and our will, the sins that we commit against God. Our daily sins burden our soul. We often ignore this Cross and do not care much for our soul.

2. Duties and responsibilities  towards our family members, especially old Parents; those who are sick; those who are physically disabled.
In fact, caring responsibilities should not be treated as a burden but should be handled with Christian love.

3. God reserves a unique Blessing for each one's life.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Be Joyful, Be Hopeful– For I AM Risen

Be Joyful, Be Hopeful– For I Am Risen

HE came into this world, to teach us the way of Love.
HE came into this world, to show us that true love always suffers– even unto death.
HE came into this world, to give us the living evidence by HIS Life, Death and Resurrection that HE alone is the TRUTH– the one True God and HE alone brings us to Eternal life.
HE came into this world, that we may live the way of HIS Love.
HE came into this world, that we may believe in the TRUTH of HIS Life.
HE came into this world, that we may inherit Eternal life through HIM, and in HIM.

Does Jesus Christ (the Way, the TRUTH and the Life) who lived 2000 years ago, live in you– today?
Is HE despised and ignored in your heart , the way HE was despised 2000 years ago, by the Jews and the Romans?