Sunday, 8 July 2018

God's saving help

When burdens of life  weigh heavily on our shoulders, we must cling to God with all our Faith and all our Hope-  HE surely comes to our rescue, to help1 in our distress.

HIS saving help comes to our rescue, the more we trust in HIM and make HIM our refuge and seek HIM daily.

The more we stay close to God, the more we feel HIS  saving help near.

HIS saving help speedily comes to the rescue of all those who live according to HIS commandments.

1. Those who maintain faithful relationship with God, their cry for help is always heard.

HIS saving help is close at hand to poor and needy, with no one to help.

God will not listen to the cry of  all those who bring dishonour to HIS name, by their deeds of unfaithfulness; those who maintain outward appearance of religion. Their plea for help and their distress will not be considered since they do not follow the way of God.

God always listens to the cry (for help ) of a repentant sinner who humbly acknowledges his sins and turns away from his sinful ways.

Those who humbly seek God's help must also be willing to accept God's will.