Watch and Pray |
Description: This spiritual artwork is about watchfulness in prayer and watchfulness in life.
In this spiritual artwork, we see an eye (denoting watchfulness), watching over the world of vanity.
1. The pupil of the eye is represented by a heart, symbolizing watchfulness over our heart to be the priority in our life..
The Holy Scripture says: "More than all else, keep watch over your
heart, since here are the wellsprings of life." [proverb4:23] }2.
In the heart is shown every kind of wickedness. wickedness divides our
heart. The capital sins are shown in different colors to show their
{ The Holy Scripture says: "For from the heart come evil intentions: murder, adultery, fornication..." [Mt 15:19-20] }3. The iris of the eye is represented by a clock (showing the time of the day/night ) symbolizing 'watchfulness' at all times.
4. The heart is encircled with praying hands around the clock, symbolizing 'prayer'– to guard our heart at all times.
5. The praying hands are shown in white, symbolizing the spiritual quality of prayer.
In the background is shown the 'world of vanity'– with beautiful,
attractive colorful pattern symbolizing the enchanting quality of
Taking a very close look at the 'vanity', we see
underneath its superficial attractiveness a subtle mesh– a mesh of
wickedness. A mesh that entangles a soul in every kind of wickedness
1. Pride; boldness; indifference towards God; a blatant courage to live without the 'TRUTH' (Jesus Christ )