Saturday, 13 April 2019


In the picture, we see Jesus (the light of the world) triumphantly heading towards HIS sorrowful and Glorious Passion.


In the picture, we see Jesus (the light of the world) triumphantly heading towards HIS sorrowful and Glorious Passion.


1. The light with the brilliant hearts in the background symbolizes Jesus (the light of the world) full of Love— eagerly and triumphantly entering into HIS sorrowful passion.

2. The heart with palm leaves in the background symbolizes a friendly and august welcome given by Jews to Jesus, Son of David. Further, the heart is inclined towards Jesus (the light of the world) symbolizing a moment of warm and Reverential welcome— as opposed to the 'night of betrayal' — which is inclined towards HIS crucifixion.

3. Among those who acclaimed Jesus as the 'King of Israel" were also the accusers who were to accuse HIM to crucifixion. The green hearts with palm leaves symbolizes friendly Jews who revered Jesus. The red hearts bordered with green symbolizes the hostile Jews and Pharisees— with a guile in their wicked hearts.

4. The betraying kiss of Judas Iscariot hiding behind the 'palm leaves welcome' alludes to the betrayal which is to follow soon. Judas's lips are shown in dual colour. The black lips smeared with blood symbolizes his deceitful nature. The white borderline denotes Judas as a 'false angel of light'.

5. The 'night of betrayal' is torn, denoting the disowning and scattering of the Disciples. The chains in the background denotes the captivity of Jesus. Judas's kiss and the night is inclined towards the condemnation of Jesus.

6. The fiery background; the pouring of blood; the lips of the accusers;  the thorns and the Cross denotes the intense suffering of Jesus; HIS sacrifice and HIS death— for our Salvation.

7. Amidst the intense suffering, the Cross is inclined towards the Glorious Resurrection, denoting Jesus's way of Salvation (from suffering into Glory)— and also a spiritual path for Christian way of life.

May our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen your Faith and make your Faith victorious in HIM.

I wish you all a 'Blessed Holy Week'.