Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Believing in Jesus Christ means...

Just believing in Christ's Passion and Resurrection is not going to save us from damnation-  and lead us to Eternal life.

Believing in Jesus Christ means-  acknowledging with all our heart that HE alone is our True salvation.
Believing means, to trust God with all our heart and to submit our lives into HIS hands, to live according to HIS Most Holy will.
Believing means, to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Beloved Son of the living God, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Believing means, to listen to Jesus's life giving words.
Believing means, to live with the Hope of receiving God's gift of Eternal life.
Believing means, to live as God's witness at all times.
Believing means, to live our life conscientiously in the honour of God.
Believing means, to believe in the Resurrection and the life everlasting.
Believing means, to live our life as one Brotherhood in the love of God.

Believing means, to Humbly wait upon God.
Believing means, to persevere in the Grace of God, till the end of our life.
Believing means, to acknowledge our sins before God.
Believing means, to give up our sinful ways.
Believing means, to live a new life of conversion according to Jesus's words.
Believing means, to produce fruits of Love, in keeping with repentance.
Believing means, to persevere henceforth in Jesus's way of life.

The path of Believing in Jesus Christ; repenting to new life in Christ and persevering till the end of life, is the narrow path which most will find it difficult- we must pray for the Grace of God and strive hard on this path.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Daily Reverence

Each day of our life is an opportunity to thank God; to praise God; to believe in God; to repent; to do good deeds in Love and  to come closer to God.

We must live each  day in a way that the virtues1 are praised2 through our work and our daily life, thereby respecting God's presence in our life.

Christian living is conscientious3 living.

1. Simplicity; Sincerity; Diligence; Faithfulness; Obedience; Kindness; Understanding; Forgiveness etc.

2. Each aspect of our character should be used to  give reverence to God, as moment calls for/ as an opportunity comes our way.

Each day is filled with variety of moments and opportunities, to practice God's kingdom values.

When an opportunity comes our way to practice Diligence, we must do our best to praise the virtue of diligence through our work- thereby giving reverence to God.

When a moment needs us to be Humble, we must practice humility, thus giving reverence to God.

When a moment demands Obedience to our Superiors, we must be obedient- thus honoring God through the virtue of obedience.

When a moment requires our generous help to those in need, we must practice the virtue of Charity- thus praising God.

3. Strive to do everything perfectly to the best of one's ability- in the honour of God- no mediocre work.