Wednesday, 29 March 2017

The Beauty of the Cross

Those who seek the world- the world offers comfortable life- a life without the fear of God; a life without shame for sin; a life without repentance for sin.

Those who seek Christ- they receive the Grace to live a 'life of Love' in this world and they receive the Cross1.
But the beauty of the Cross is- though the Faithful live in the furnace of suffering, nevertheless they  exhibit the Peace2 and Happiness- a calmness in their soul.  God grants HIS children the Grace to bear the burden and sufferings in this world- patiently and with persevering Faith in HIM.

The world3 is thrown in amazement  and stupefied by the life of Faithful Christians.

1. The difficulties and sufferings.

2. Just like Daniel and his companions remained unharmed and at Peace in the heart of the fiery furnace- ordered by King Nebuchadnezzar.

3. Nebuchadnezzar- a prototype of the world.

Sunday, 26 March 2017

God is Life

Where HE is1- there everything is alive2.

1. Where HE is Revered and Faithfully lived.

2. Spiritually alive, Morally alive- Our Heart; Our Soul;  Our Life; Our Family; Our Community; Our Nation.