When King Saul committed a sin of disobedience against God, God
pronounced HIS just judgement against Saul. The Kingdom was given to
someone whom God had found faithful and sincere— King David.
when King David committed a sin of adultery against God, God did not
reject him as a king of Israel, rather God forgave King David and
maintained HIS faithful love— for God saw the sincerity of his contrite
and repentant heart.
God is not to be fooled by our insincerity and pretence.
God delights in sincerity of heart.
With Honesty and Sincerity in our heart, we win God's Favour and Mercy.
Then whatever we offer as a sacrifice to God; whatever we resolve1
to do; whatever good deeds we do in reverence of God and whenever we
seek God's pardon, let it be all done sincerely and conscientiously in
Surely, God of Faithful Love who takes delight in Sincerity and Humility2, will have Mercy on us and listen to our plea.
1. The good resolutions that we keep to make amendments for our sinful life.
2. Humility of contrite and repentant heart.