Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Righteous heart

A heart that is filled with God's Most Holy presence; a heart that is filled with Faith and Hope in God, guides us on the right path in life.

A heart that is filled with vanity and stubborn unbelief in God, leads us more into  errors and confusion1 in life.

1. Every kind of disorder in life.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

God's Most Holy will

In Heaven and on earth, God's 'Most Holy will' holds priority1.

God is the Creator of life and universe. HE is the potter. He knows the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of our heart.
The weakness of our flesh causes us to fall into sin; into errors and into difficult circumstances.
Sometimes, God allows these things to happen to us, for our own good-  to Humble2 us; to strengthen us; to prepare3 us for HIS great work of salvation; to test the sincerity4 of our Faith; to test our Humble5 dependence on HIM.
Most of the times we may not understand HIS ways, and even find it difficult at times to accept HIS 'Most Holy will' in our life.

We are imperfect creatures of flesh.
It is God's  will that we live in HIS presence, and grow perfect.

God's 'Most Holy will' always seeks the greater good of our soul.
From time to time, God presents us with opportunities6, to come  back to HIM-  but we fail to recognize HIM and acknowledge HIS will.

With all those who love God, God's 'Most Holy will' brings them on the path of Truth-  however much their errors and their sins7.

God's 'Most Holy will' is a rampart8 for all those who acknowledge HIM and Humbly live according to HIS Commandments.

All those who Honour HIM, God's 'Most Holy will' assists them in all their endeavours9.

With all those whom God has Called for great work of salvation10, HIS  'Most Holy will' powerfully assists them and leads them to fulfillment.

1. Angels in Heaven obey it Faithfully; Jesus Christ obeyed Heavenly Father's will Faithfully, throughout HIS life- likewise, we too, are expected to obey it Faithfully.
Everything that happens in Heaven and on earth, happens according to the will of God. HE is the potter. To build up or to break down, is entirely in HIS hands. It is for HIM to judge what is right- to allow something unpleasant to happen or to prevent it. Even if HE allows unpleasant circumstances, nevertheless HE does it for our own good.

2. Paul was humbled by the hand of God, while on his way to Damascus, to persecute Christians.

3. Peter fell into sin of denying Jesus Christ- God allowed this fall, to make him understand that- in God alone, we stand firm, and become worthy to carry out HIS 'Most Holy will'. In our pride and strength of our will, we cannot do God's work.

4. e.g. Abraham.

5. Israelites were tested in the desert for forty years- to know whether they'll faithfully obey God's Commandments.

6. Wise instructions through different people; moral instructions of Faith, through different circumstances. We fail to recognize HIM in the opportunities HE presents to us, for our homecoming.

7. e.g. King David.

8. God did not abandon Joseph to suffer the wicked designs of his brothers, but HE cared for him and rescued him from his plight.

9. Works that are good, and for the greater Glory of God. e.g. God assisted Abraham's servant to choose Rebekah as a wife for Isaac.

10. e.g.  Abraham, Moses, Jonah et al.