Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Life built on the rock of integrity and virtue


Life built on the rock of integrity and virtue

With reference to the beauty of the outward appearance, the pomp, and the vanity, the conversation between Zipporah and Prophet Moses in the film "The Ten Commandments" effectively portrays the power of integrity.

A jewel has brilliant fire,
but gives no warmth.
Our hands are not so soft,
but they can serve.
Our bodies are not so white,
but they are strong.
Our lips are not perfumed,
but they speak the truth.
Love is not an art to us.
It's life to us.
We are not dressed in gold or fine linen,
Strength and honour are our clothing.
Our tents are not the marbled halls of Egypt,
but our children play happily before them.
We can offer you little,
but we offer all we have.