Wednesday, 21 March 2018

In love with God

Those who do not incline1 their heart towards God, incline towards pride.
And in their pride they defy2 God.

1. To humbly and perseveringly incline our heart in Faith, Hope and Love towards God.

2.  To stubbornly disbelieve in God and disrespect God.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Be rich in God

With God, we are always rich.
Blessed with HIS abundant Blessings.
Blessed with HIS Most Holy presence.
Blessed with HIS constant protection.
Blessed with HIS Faithful love.
Blessed with HIS  abundant Graces.
Blessed to grow rich in Faith.
Blessed to grow rich in Hope.
Blessed to Inherit salvation.
Blessed to inherit Eternal life.