Wednesday, 20 September 2023

No religion


No religion

Sunday, 17 September 2023





The face of Christ is shown in white color — purity — HE is that unblemished lamb — Lamb of God.

The background is shown in fiery colors — symbolic of the violent environment — angry people accusing Christ; Roman soldiers lashing Christ and the Sanhedrin giving an unjust judgement.

Amidst all this heated environment, Christ is at perfect Peace. HE knows what HE is doing.



Valentine's Day' 2014


Valentine's Day' 2014

In this picture, winged-heart (white colour symbolic of purity) symbolizes Divine Love of God. 

Green cross symbolizes Christ, the Lord of Peace. In Christ Jesus, all things are united. 

Lovers are shown in Pink color — color of mutual love. Only in God's Love, we are truly united.


This artwork is created in ArtRage4. Thanks to ArtRage for this wonderful program. 


God Bless !!!

Repent and Re-paint your Life


Repent and Re-paint your Life

In this picture , we see a penitent in ash colors — all tattered with sinful living.

Christ is shown in green color ["For if this is what is done
to green wood, what will be done when the wood is dry?" (Lk 23:31)].Green is the
color of new beginning and is symbolic of something that is fresh and alive. It is
Christ, who gives us new Life and freshens our spirit.

The cross is shown in red color — the blood which Christ shed for our salvation.

The Holy Spirit is shown in white color symbolic of purity and Holiness — full of
Grace. The Grace is flowing down like water of new Baptism — cleansing and re-
painting the life of Penitent.

The background is shown in black color symbolizing the sinful world — the world of

The words are arranged in steps symbolizing that repentance is an ongoing process
which proceeds progressively.

The word  "re-paint" is painted in green color symbolizing Penitent restored unto

The word "Repent" is painted in ash color symbolic of repentance.

P.S.  This artwork is done  using Corel Painter X3. Deo Gratias !!!

The Name of Jesus


The Name of Jesus

• I have created this picture as the representation of the life and personality
of Lord Jesus. Jesus was born by the power of the Holy Spirit — the three

rays of light coming down (symbolic of Holy Trinity) .

• The life of Lord Jesus was a constant suffering (right from His birth to
tomb) which He bore for us with Love. The background is covered with
different colors of heart bearing a cross — which is symbolic of the life of
Christ — different moments in the life of Christ. Each moment He bore for us
with Love. Everything was done with Love. Love was the signature of His

• The name of Jesus arranged in the form of human face reflects the calm;
the serenity and the Loving smile, he had for us, despite the sufferings.

• In the Holy scriptures, the words of Lord Jesus:  "For if this is what is done
to green wood, what will be done when the wood is dry?" (Lk 23:31)

•   The green wood is symbolic of Lord Jesus.

• The crown of thorns is stained with the blood, which He shed for us — for our

P.S. This Artwork is done in Corel painter X3. Further refinements done in Photoshop. Deo Gratias !!!

Note:  While looking at this picture , try to look at small case " e "  on left side , then small case " s"  written on right side.  Then you'll get the whole face of Jesus.

Palm Sunday' 2014


Palm Sunday' 2014

He is welcomed — the palm leaves is the symbolic representation.

He is condemned to death on the cross — the grill dripping with blood is the symbolic representation of death. The death itself is being conquered.

He enters into Glory — the bright light beyond the grill.

He does this for our Love — the sacred heart dripping with blood.

P.S. This Artwork is done in Corel Painter X3 . Thanks to Corel. Deo Gratias !!!

Blessed Virgin Mary Pray for us !!!


Blessed Virgin Mary Pray for us !!!

In this picture we can see that the world is sinking in darkness, gradually. 

The Holy Catholic Church all over the world, in all its littleness and sinfulness is imploring the intercession of our Blessed Virgin, with one Heart. She obtains Graces from Our Heavenly Father for us.

Blessings and sufferings are the part of our life( Roses with prickly thorns )

Good Friday' 2014


Good Friday' 2014

Among those who cheered HIM and welcomed HIM were the feet of those,who hurried HIM to HIS crucifixion. They have strewn their leaves of betrayal all along the way to Mount Calvary ( Golgotha ).

Love sacrificed HIMSELF on the cross, shedding the blood of salvation for many, so that their sins may be forgiven.

In the background, we see the outpouring of the God's Grace (the Holy Spirit).

And the bandit on the right hand of Jesus, receiving the Grace.

The environment is fiery with darkness all around — symbolizing anguish.




The twelve small hearts symbolize twelve Apostles. 

Hand united in prayer is symbolic of purity of intention. They are praying with one heart and soul in the Love-of-God. 

The heart with a crown of thorns is the Sacred heart of Jesus — dripping with blood, which HE shed for our salvation. 

The cross is shown in green color — green wood refers to Jesus [For if this is what is done to green wood, what will be done when the wood is dry?’- Luke 23:31 ]

The background is painted with light green to yellow gradient  which is symbolic of their waiting for the Holy Spirit. Like a budding leaf( light green color ) , they were weak, full of anxiety and fear. They were praying for the hope promised by Lord Jesus, so that their weak-willed nature be transformed into a new creation.

The small crosses in the background is symbolic of the prayerful environment. They were praying constantly with one heart for the God's Holy Spirit.

The Spirit is descending  from the Glorious Heaven ,with the tongues of fire producing seven gifts viz. Wisdom; Understanding; Counsel; Fortitude; Knowledge; piety and Fear of God.

Holy Trinity' 2014


Holy Trinity' 2014

In this picture I have shown the Glory of Holy Trinity in Heaven and the Faithful Love of Holy Trinity in action on earth.

       In scriptures, God the Father is represented as Faithful love. (1John 4:16); God the Son is represented as Lamb (lamb-of-god) [John1:29]; God  the Holy Spirit is represented as dove. (Luke 3:22). And they are one. [ John 10:30]
        God the Father is Love. He shows HIS Faithful Love by sending HIS Son into this world. And the Father who is one with HIS Son acts through the Grace of the  Holy Spirit. God the source of life gives life to the world by sending HIS Son into this world for our salvation.[1john4:9]

In the lower part of the picture, we see a green cross passing through the earth.
         The cross shown in green color (green wood [Luke 23:31] ) is the representation of Christ on earth — sent into the world to be the witness of God's faithful love
         — to Suffer for our Sins and to save us from the slavery of sin
         — and to  lead us to Eternal life

The glow around the Cross — Christ, the light of the world.

The earth is enveloped in darkness. The dark mesh of sins.

The freshly green branches( Grace of the Holy Spirit ) sprouting from God the Father are spreading all over the earth giving life to the world through HIS Son.The love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is in action through the Son, Jesus Christ.[2cor13:13]

Dark starry night


Dark Starry Night

These mighty lights shine from a distance. They have been ordered by God to shine softly on the earth.

They have been there, so that the night doesn't deprive us of the Hope of the rising day — the resplendent light.




As it is clear from the title, praying means completely immersing oneself in HIS passion — bearing HIS crown of thorns; HIS afflictions; HIS sufferings. And doing all this with LOVE.

I have used a child's picture to symbolize humility; our littleness. When we pray, we should humbly acknowledge our littleness; our unworthiness before God.

P.S.  Just see if you can spot the face of suffering Christ in the child. watch for the crown of thorns.

Photo credits :  Catholic Online; " passion of Christ "

Valentine's Day' 2015 ( Christian Love )


Valentine's Day' 2015 ( Christian Love )

This Picture depicts Love — which  respects God; Love, that respects Life; Love, that keeps away from sin. 

In this Picture, there are four elements.

1. Life of light — full of God's Sacrificial love, leading us to Eternal Glory.

2. Sacred Heart of Jesus — God's love.

3. Couple

4. Dark sea — Life of sin

1. Life of light: I have shown the Sacrificial Love of God radiating with Glorious light ( the white space ). Life of Light is the life of Love. God's Love is omnipresent. It fills Heaven and Earth.

2. Sacred Heart of Jesus: I have shown this in yellow colour, because of its Divine nature — Glorious and Magnificent.
It is the sacred Heart of Jesus, that gives us Eternal life. The sacred Heart of Jesus is full of Life and its liveliness is shown by the vine. Jesus is the true vine . The vine entwines the Couple. The couple are in the sweet embrace of Jesus.

3. Couple: The Couple are embracing each Other and clinging to the Love-of-God. God saves them from the life of Sin. I have Shown the Couple in the form of souls, to show the gravity of their longing for God — the Couple are clinging to the Love-of-God, with all their humanity and with all their soul. They unite with each other — not in Sin. But in the Love of God, which gives them Eternal Life.

The life of Sin: The life of Sin is depicted by a dark  sea, which drowns all humanity in  the slavery of sin.
  If you keenly observe the sea, you will notice the Consequences of Couple's sinful life — aborted foetus; abandoned children; broken relationships.

Palm Sunday' 2015


Palm Sunday' 2015

1. The backdrop ( white hearts against black) symbolizes Goodness coexisting in a sinful world.

2. Broken Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes body that is broken and blood which is shed for the salvation of many.

3. Twelve Apostles encircling the Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes their constant presence with the Lord- " Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of Eternal life". [ John 6:68 ]

4. The Betrayer- Judas Iscariot, is shown third anticlockwise. I have kept him third anticlockwise, for his work against ' Holy Trinity ". His heart is broken and messed up with sinful life and unbelief. His palm leaf is not stained with blood, because he belongs to the false angel of light- the deceiver.

5. Below, we see palm leaves along with blood stained palm leaves symbolizing people who acclaimed- " Hosanna to the son of David ! " and also those who denounced- " Crucify HIM ! "

P.S.  Judas Iscariot is perfectly camouflaged with the sinful world.

Maundy Thursday' 2015


Maundy Thursday' 2015

The Institution of the Most Holy Eucharist :

  1.  As a token of HIS Faithful Love for us, Lord Jesus gave us the gift of HIS Blessed body in the form of a living bread. The picture shows the body of Christ transformed into a life giving bread.

 2. He said : ' this is my body '- which HE broke for our salvation. The picture shows the mangled body of Christ- we have been healed by HIS bruises [ Is 52:5 ]

3. Then HE took the cup and said : ' This is my blood, the blood of the Eternal covenant, poured out for the salvation of many.'  I have shown the outflowing blood taking the form of  " cup-of-salvation "

4. Below, we see the world enveloped in the darkness of sin. The outflowing blood is poured onto the world, to wash away the sins of the world.

5. Light emanating from the bread, symbolizes Jesus Christ the living bread, as the light of the world.

6. In the picture, I have shown the liveliness of Jesus Christ, the living bread in the form of growing vine - HE said ,"  I am the true vine ." [ John 15:1 ]

7. I  have painted the backdrop with fiery colors towards the earth symbolizing the fiery environment of the whole passion and shades of violet towards Heaven, symbolizing ' Heaven in mourning'.

Walk with ME to Calvary


Walk with ME to Calvary

In the Painting, we see Lord Jesus carrying the cross ( sins of the world ) alongside Simon of Cyrene, to Mount Calvary ( Mount of our Redemption ).

I have shown Simon of Cyrene as a prototype of the world, representing the future generations. Simon of Cyrene, a mortal being of the sinful world is wounded and tainted by his sins.

Lord Jesus said : " I am the true vine... apart from me you can do nothing. "

We cannot carry our cross ( burden of sins ) and walk alone towards Mount Calvary -  our salvation.

Lord Jesus helps each one of us to carry our cross and brings us safely to Mount Calvary- our salvation- where HE conquered death and sin.

Morning sky depicts new beginning.

The black cross- sins of the world.

In a word, our life is a journey towards Mount Calvary, with Jesus by our side.

(  In the Gospel, Jesus appears to be tired and unable to carry the burden of sins-of-the-world to Mount Calvary. And Simon of Cyrene comes to his rescue. There is a deeper symbolic meaning in Simon's coming into the scene. Jesus wants each one of us, to carry our cross and follow HIM. Simon of Cyrene has done his part in bearing the burden of sins-of-the-world with Jesus. We are called to do the same, with Jesus. )

The Holy Mass — a celebration of Mount Calvary


The Holy Mass- a celebration of Mount Calvary

1] The Holy Mass is a celebration and
commemoration of Jesus' suffering on
Mount Calvary.

2] The Priest is celebrating Holy Mass in
memory of Christ's sacrifice, for the
salvation of mankind— with earth as an
Altar, on which Christ's blood was shed—
Christ's sacrifice was offered.

3] The priest is offering the Holy Mass
with Love, in remembrance of Christ's
Love for us. And God's Love is descending
on mankind in the form of Holy spirit.
The spirit of God's Love inundates the
whole universe.

4] The violet-purple sky symbolizes—
Heaven has suffered for the salvation of

5] The yellow-orange sky— Glory has
descended on earth . Grace of God at
work on earth.

6] Christ died for the salvation of Good
thief ( those who acknowledge their
sinfulness ) as well as bad thief ( those
who are stubborn in accepting their sins )

P.S.   By the Grace of God, the spiritual theme came to me on 20th Jan' 2014. Since then, I have been waiting and praying for the theme to develop.

And now, I present it to you- for your life of faith in God.

Blessed be God ! Blessed be God ! Blessed be God !

P.S.  This Digital artwork is done with Corel Painter and Photoshop.

Palm Sunday' 2016


Palm Sunday' 2016

In the background is city of Jerusalem.

Heart with a cross: Green wood is symbolic of the innocence of Christ. Christ enters into Jerusalem  with a heart full of radiating Love and marches towards the triumphant victory over death and sin- for the salvation of the world.

Hosanna: Green Palms and Red palms symbolizes people who welcomed HIM and those who were against HIM.

I have shown the three days in black, red and yellow symbolizing- the night of betrayal; the day of Crucifixion and the day of Resurrection, following HIS entry into Jerusalem.

The three rays of the Sun symbolize God the Father; the Son and the Holy Spirit in Glory. The Joy of Resurrection overcomes the Sufferings of the Cross.

Holy Easter' 2016


Holy Easter' 2016

After Resurrection, Jesus  didn't  abandon us. Jesus  didn't  leave us alone in this world. But HE gave us a gift of Himself- His body and blood- " The Most Holy Eucharist "- a Holy souvenir of His Love for us- to be the foundation of our life.

1. The morning sky: The day of Resurrection.

2. In the picture, "The Most Holy Eucharist" is the foundation of the one Holy Catholic church .

3. His body given for us with Love.

4. The cup of His blood, poured for our salvation with Love.

5. The world:  The world is enveloped in the darkness of sin.

6. The three  rays with the crosses in the background: Every Christian is Blessed by God and sent into this world, to live a life of Love in God and to baptize the *unbelieving world, in the name of the Father; the Son and the Holy Spirit.

7. Radiating Love: "The Most Holy Eucharist" is the source of inundating love of Christ. Every christian is urged to live in this love and to give this Love  to others.

A lamp for my feet


A lamp for my feet

In the picture, we see the word of God Come alive- and light up the path.

The word of God leads us from darkness to Eternal light. It guides our path from sinfulness to Eternal life.

( The word of God is something alive and active [Heb4:12] ; The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.[John6:63] )

P.S.  A second look at the picture reveals a candle tip, burning in the darkness.

A very keen look will reveal Jesus Christ in the light.