Friday, 17 February 2017

The Art of Loving

Love through Forgiveness1.

1. Forgiveness opens our heart to God's Love and God's healing.

Love grows more through Forgiveness. The more we forgive, the more our Love advance towards God and towards our 'neighbor'.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

A True Boyfriend

Girls and young women often get deceived by their boyfriends, just because they do not understand what a true boyfriend is like. A true boyfriend will respect your body. He is considerate of your feelings. He won't take undue advantage of your weakness or circumstances. He won't trade Love and Friendship with carnal desire. He has pure feelings about you. He is driven only by Love. He'll Love you single-heartedly. He is satisfied with your presence and your true friendship. His moral integrity is impeccable.
     you can assuredly continue your relationship with such a person and even go further to choose him as your soul mate.

     And furthermore, if such a boyfriend is a God-fearing person, then you can rejoice and Thank God for having found the Modern " Tobias "-  Tobias was the son of Tobit. He was a man of integrity. His prayer: " And so I take my wife not for any lustful motive, but I do it in singleness of heart." [Tobit 8:7 ] - reflects his sound morality.
     Such a person will always remain true to your heart and will never defile your marriage bed. Most of the men fail to inculcate in them the uprightness of Tobias.
    In a word, a True boyfriend will always guard Friendship with a bond of Love.

Valentine's day

   A day to celebrate Love and Friendship.

   Love that respects God and human being.

   A friendship that understands human frailty and strives to live by purity.

   Love and Friendship that grows in union with God.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Human progress?

Men and Women have explored frontiers and have  progressed1 significantly  in many different fields- but less appreciably in being good husband/wife and Parents- much less a child of God.

1. our true progress is- growing in the love of God.