Thursday, 14 September 2017

Christian living

Christian life  is not for mediocrity.1
Christian life  is a life of conscientious living.2

we are called to be salt of the earth; light to the world and leaven of Christ's love– to leaven the whole world with the love of Christ.

1. less spiritual fervor; a lukewarm life (not living life in the fullness of Christ's love.); not making any progress in Christ's love; living a life of self-satisfaction.

2. generously bringing forth good works in the love of God; faithful and diligent living; doing every work wholeheartedly.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Our daily life

Let your life be more of an uplifting inspiration.1

And watch carefully, to be less a cause of moral degradation.2

1. through your life of faith in Christ; through your chastity; through your patience ; through your kindness ; through your love; through your cheerful generosity ; through your understanding ; through your gentleness ; through your  mercy; through your resolute perseverance in Christ in difficult times .

2. A bad example, a cause of downfall through bad faith; selfish attitudes; immodest apparel; coarse words; bad temper; quarrels; arrogance; abuse; jealousy; every kind of malice.