Thursday, 9 August 2018

Life in Christ Jesus

Let the  spiritual virtues1 grow greater2  in us and everything that is earthly become less.
Let not the worldliness3 dictate our life but rather Christ lead us and govern our life— let only Christ live within us.
Let Christ be our  everything4 and everything other than Christ count for refuse.

1. Virtue is like a spiritual yeast. By practicing a single virtue with the help of God's Grace, all other virtues are gradually enriched  and the whole dough of earthliness within us  is leavened by God's Sanctity.

2. Growing greater to the extent of Sanctity.

3. Our pride; our ego; our whims and vanity.

4. Let Christ be the treasured asset of our life. Knowing Christ; Loving Christ and living in Christ is of superior worth.

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Be Humble

Humility turns away God's wrath from us.
Humility brings us closer into the presence of God, to enjoy HIS favour and to seek HIS great Mercy.
Humility makes us pleasing and acceptable to God.
Humility brings us on the path of Glory1.
Humility submits itself to God.

The more you humble yourself before God, the more HE will make you prosper in everything that is good and praise worthy.

1. The path that leads to God's Everlasting Kingdom.