When faced with difficult circumstances— when our heart is in turmoil— we need to be still, to think clearly and act wisely.
To seek Lord's help, we need to be calm1 and wait Patiently for HIM— and stop worrying.
The stillness of heart and the strength to stand firm in adversity comes from following the Commandment2 of Love.
Stillness comes from our persevering Faith in God.
Stillness comes from our longing Hope in God.
Stillness comes when our heart and soul rests3 in God alone.
1. We need to be calm— trusting in God— that everything is under God's control and HE will allow everything to happen to us, for our greater good— according to HIS Most Holy Will.
2. The Grace to be Calm; to be Still; to be Peaceful, comes from the Commandment as the 'Commandment of Love' is rooted in Christ Jesus.
3. When our heart longs to be in God's presence— through Blessed Sacrament; through Prayer; through reading the Holy word.