God is always with us.
And HE speaks to our heart, through words of the Holy Bible; through people; through events and circumstances.
Through the current circumstances, God is warning us about the fate of our sinful and unrepentant life.
who have built their life on solid rock— on persevering Faith and Love
of God, are secured now and for eternity. No disaster or enforcement
can quarantine their Faith and Hope in God. Their Faith proves strong,
undeterred by the calamity, and their life will continue in Peace of
God, as ever, when the wave of difficult circumstances is over.
as for those, who have built their life on sand— on Pride; vanity and
unbelief— retribution keeps waiting for them on the day of doom. Their
life blindly continues on the path of ruin, with a restless heart that
seeks the transitory peace of the world. Their heart is lulled by the
peace of the world, and their eyes are prevented from foreseeing their
Reflecting on the parable of "wise and foolish virgins"—
our life progresses through pleasant, difficult and inevitable moments,
and eventually reaches the "last hour" of our life— an hour of fear; an
hour of confusion; an hour of powerlessness and helplessness; an hour of
Then, there will be no time to turn back or borrow oil—
no time for repentance and amendment of life; No certainty to expect a
miraculous Grace, to receive the gift of Faith in God.
The 'lamp' that the foolish virgins1
carried is— the faith in the false securities of the world; false hope
of the world; pride in their own potential. The spurious light of the
world subtly leads our life to gloom. Once in gloom, there will be no
hope for those who foolishly traded their life with the satisfactions of
the world— their lamp cannot be lit again.
The wise virgins2 carried the 'lamp' of Faith3
in God. Even though, at times, the 'children of light' find themselves
in a gloom, they can renew the strength of their Faith (light their
lamp) by the Grace of God, and rise again.
Faith in God, is not something that can be easily acquired at the last moment. And deeds of charity4
cannot be performed at the last hour. One cannot hopefully expect to
enter into God's kingdom, at the expense of Charity performed by the
Faithful ones. Furthermore, each one's deeds in Charity will scarcely
suffice to justify their life in Christ.
Our Faith in Christ,
needs to be accompanied by deeds of Charity— as a proof of our love for
Christ— that we do not attract God's rebuke— of being 'evildoers' and be
Those who have perseveringly advanced through life,
with their lamp of Faith, lit up with the deeds of Charity, will come
to a fruitful end— their soul will be ready to enter into God's wedding
As for those, who have lived their life hoping in the
false securities of the world; in unbelief, and their seeming faith in
Christ— will find themselves rejected— condemned to Eternal damnation.
1. The children of the world.
2. The children of light.
3. Faith in Jesus Christ— the 'living word' — that gives us Eternal light.
4. Deeds of Charity is the 'oil' — which cannot be bought or borrowed at the last moment.
Our 'lamp' of Faith always needs to be lit up with the deeds of Charity (oil). Our deeds of Charity in reverence of God, shines like a bright light on our path, and brings us safely to our Eternal Home.