Sunday, 8 April 2018

Jesus is our True Happiness

Our heart and our soul cannot be perfectly Happy and at Peace unless it is freed from the burden of sin; unless it is reconciled  with God. It is Jesus Christ alone, who takes away the burden of sin upon HIMSELF and brings Joy and tranquility in our heart.

Jesus is the True Peace1, who alone has the Grace to console our fears and our anxieties and to bring them to stillness in HIM. It is Christ alone, who grants us the Grace to be at Peace in our misery and wretchedness.

Our heart longs to be nourished with Love. It is Jesus Christ alone, who is True love– the 'LOVE' who suffered for our sins and died for our sins. It is the love of Christ that satisfies2 the deepest longing and needs of our heart and fills the emptiness in our heart.

Jesus is the wisdom of God . It is HE alone, who has the words of Eternal life. It is HIS way of love that brings us on the path of contentment and Happiness and keeps us secure.

1. It is by the sacrifice of Jesus's Blood that we are brought to reconciliation with God.

2. The worldly things  bring momentary happiness to our heart. But Jesus Christ brings Eternal Happiness to our heart and soul. HE alone is the true satisfaction of our heart.

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