Wednesday, 24 May 2017

And, we say- we don't need God.

Our heart receives the strength1 to love- from God.
Our heart receives the inspiration to love- from God.
Our heart receives the Grace to forgive and patiently bear the hurt feelings- from God.
Our heart receives the Grace to believe in God's faithful love- in difficult moments- from God.

If we don't believe in God; if we don't incline our heart towards the love of God- who will teach our heart to Love? Who will revive our heart?

1. When our love grow cold, we  are not able to understand each other and bear patiently with each other- not able to forgive each other.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

The narrow gate of life

To live according to the commandments1 of God- is a narrow gate.

To live according to the practices of the world; to live according to our natural inclinations2- is a wide gate.

1. Following God's commandments is a hard road- as it yields fruits (love, Joy, Peace and every goodness)  through patience and perseverance.
God's commandments inclines our heart to the 'kingdom of God'- to a life of Love; Peace; Eternal life.

2. Human nature looks forward to satisfaction and happiness, in only earthly things. It looks no further than the world. it is inclined towards destruction- as it is opposed to God's commandments.