The burden of life feels heavy and unbearable1. But
truly, it is not the burden of life, that lays heavy on us— it is the
burden of sins, that lays heavy on our heart and our soul.
tempter subtly deceives us in believing the heaviness of the burden of
life— and averts our heart from considering the burden of sin.
the burden of sin is removed from our heart through repentance, and the
yoke of love is laid on our shoulders, our burden feels light— the yoke
of Jesus is easy and light2. The yoke of love is a mighty strength, and a strong rampart3 for our heart.
Although, the burden of life still persist— we now have a Peaceful heart, which is yoked with the love of Christ.
Peaceful heart, at Peace with God, has unflagging strength to live
happily under any circumstances, and carry every burden of life— easily and willingly.
1. When we get too involved in the activities of the world— all we reap is a burden of restlessness (our restless heart seeks the satisfactions of the world; it seeks the appreciation from the world; it seeks the love from the world; it seeks praise and honour from the world) and dissatisfaction (dissatisfaction with the life we are living; with the job; with the salary; with your spouse etc.).
Restlessness and dissatisfaction is a burden which every worldly heart carries. A heart that is burdened with anxiety; restlessness; dissatisfaction and sin, has not the strength to endure the burden of life.
2. With Christ on our side, nothing seems burdensome; no suffering seems unbearable. When our restless heart seeks the love of God— it is truly consoled and relieved from the burden of sin.
3. No evil can overcome the power of Jesus's Love. No evil can divide a heart; a family; a world, that is built on Jesus's commandment of Love— that's why Jesus commanded us to build our life on HIS Love— that our heart and our life may rest in HIS Peace.