Christ is the salt that preserves us from every kind of corruption.
Christ is the salt that brings unity and peace among the Brotherhood.
Christ is the salt (covenant of salt) that makes us people of God.
Christ is the salt (salt of the covenant) that makes our life as worthy offering, pleasing to God.
Christ is the salt that adds flavor1 to our earthly life.
Christ is the salt that brings unity and peace among the Brotherhood.
Christ is the salt (covenant of salt) that makes us people of God.
Christ is the salt (salt of the covenant) that makes our life as worthy offering, pleasing to God.
Christ is the salt that adds flavor1 to our earthly life.
Let the 'salt of Everlasting life' live within you, to bring you to the full knowledge of the Truth– to salvation.
1. Peaceful; Loving; Charitable; lively; exhibiting Joy in all circumstances– at all times.