Thursday, 24 August 2017

Christ- the salt of Everlasting Life

Christ is the salt that preserves us from every kind of corruption.
Christ is the salt that brings unity and peace among the Brotherhood.
Christ is the salt (covenant of salt) that makes us people of God.
Christ is the salt (salt of the covenant) that makes our life as worthy offering, pleasing to God.
Christ is the salt that adds flavor1 to our earthly life.

Let the 'salt of Everlasting life' live within you, to bring you to the full knowledge of the Truth– to salvation.

1. Peaceful; Loving; Charitable; lively; exhibiting Joy  in all circumstances– at all times.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Denial and Betrayal- Salvation and Damnation

Peter denied of knowing Jesus while Judas betrayed the Love of Jesus.
The two of them faced diverse consequences.
Peter was saved whereas Judas was condemned.

Salvation came home to Peter– Peter loved Jesus with all his heart and he trusted in HIS Faithful love and Loving Mercy. His sin brought about repentance1 in God and led him close to God's Love.
Judas was driven to damnation– Judas was earthly minded; his heart didn't seek the love of Jesus and hence couldn't believe in God's Loving Mercy. His sin took him away from God.

Let's stay close to the heart (Love) of Jesus– that we may have the strength to seek HIS loving Mercy.

1. By its very nature sin takes us away from God. By contrast, in the heart of Peter, Love caused sin to repent in God, whereas in the faithless heart of Judas, sin ran its course and led him to damnation.