Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Working together with God


Our efforts must work together(1) with God's Grace(2).

For God's Grace is a living water, in which human efforts come to fruition.

Let our life be on the path of love (of God), then our efforts will be rightly guided for the welfare of humankind, and generously accompanied by God's Grace.

[1]Our efforts must conform to God's ways. God's Grace is on the path that gives honour to God— not on the path of selfish ambition; self-interest; self-indulgence and restless curiosity that manipulates nature; defiles human dignity and tampers God's creation.

[2]God's Blessing is always with us. God is always ready to help us— provided we are with God— on the path of God;

provided our Faith is with God; our Humility is with God;

provided our efforts are not inclined on the path of self-glory and pride and defiance to God.