Sunday, 30 December 2018

Christmas star' 2018



 Love incarnates, to save the world from the bondage of sin and to give new life to all those who believe in HIM.
Love suffers and dies on the cross to bring us to salvation, in HIM.

'Christmas' is a Loving message of God the Father to the world— the gift of HIS Beloved Son for our salvation.


In the scene, the star symbolizes the Birth of our Lord Jesus. White colour is symbolic of HIS Purity; HIS Divinity; HIS innocence (the unblemished lamb)

The red bands on the star is symbolic of HIS sufferings— for the sins of the world. HE comes into the sinful world to bear the burden of our sins and to save us from the bondage of sin and to lead us on the path of Eternal life— in HIM.

The Star is hung on the Cross: From the moment of HIS birth and throughout HIS life, HE was pursued to be killed.

HE was born to teach us Love.
HE was born to suffer for our sins.
'True Love' always suffers.

The green cross is symbolic of HIS innocence. [ "For if this is what is done
to green wood, what will be done when the wood is dry?" (Luke 23:31) ]

The green shoots are symbolic of "the giver of New life".

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2019, in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Have a Blessed Christmas week !!!

Monday, 17 December 2018


Christmas is a celebration of Jesus's Love for us.
HE came into this world in Love1 and HE died for our salvation in Love.
HE came into this world that we may not perish2, but we may live3 and remain alive4 in HIS Love.

We truly celebrate Christmas when we live Jesus's Love in our life— and give testimony of our love through our faithful life in HIM.

1. To testify HIS love for us.

2. Perish in the ignorance of God and our sins.

3. By believing in HIM and living in HIS Love.

4. Alive in this world and continue to live in Eternal life.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Signs of Faith in God

When we have Faith— we act in Love1.

When we have Faith— there is Peace— there is no place for fear and anxiety in our heart.

When we have Faith— we readily acknowledge things2 which are beyond our power of comprehension.

When we have Faith— we have the Grace, which gives us the strength to persevere and stand firm in every adversity.

When we have Faith— we keep Faithful obedience to God.

When we have Faith— we perseveringly3 and patiently Hope in God.

When we have Faith— we have the humility to wait upon God.

When we have Faith— we eagerly seek God and experience the close presence of God in all circumstances.

When we have Faith— we have the Joy of Everlasting life in our heart; we have the Joy of being forgiven by God; we have the Joy of being Blessed by God's Most Holy presence; we have the Joy of victory over sin; we have the Joy of God's Holy Spirit dwelling in our heart; we have the Joy of fulfilling God's commandments; we have the Joy of prayers being answered.

When we have Faith— we seek consolation in God alone, for our strength.

When we have Faith— we humbly accept God's Most Holy will— and in difficult circumstances, never despair, but Faithfully keep our Faith in God.

When we have Faith— we have the confidence of being under God's constant protection.

When we have Faith— we have Faithful and Humble reverence to God.

When we have Faith— our heart is always full of gratefulness to God.

When we have Faith— we humbly repent to new life in God.

1. Do good deeds of Charity and Mercy.

2. Spiritual facts.

3. Believing that, in the Lord none of our labours is wasted. [1Cor 15: 58]

Monday, 26 November 2018

Blessed Humility

When humility speaks— God listens.
When humility prays1— God answers.

1. To put our whole trust in God and  subject our will to God's Most Holy will— God allows everything to happen for our own good.

Sunday, 21 October 2018


Humility acknowledges God and submits itself to God.
Humility acknowledges one's sins and it goes one step further towards repentance and new life in God.



e.g. Zacchaeus; Mary Magdalene and others.

Sunday, 7 October 2018


When King Saul committed a sin of disobedience against God, God pronounced HIS just judgement against Saul. The Kingdom was given to someone whom God had found faithful and sincere— King David.

Later, when King David committed a sin of adultery against God, God did not reject him as a king of Israel, rather God forgave King David and maintained HIS faithful love— for God saw the sincerity of his contrite and repentant heart.

God is not to be fooled by our insincerity and pretence.

God delights in sincerity of heart.

With Honesty and Sincerity in our heart, we win God's Favour and Mercy.

Then whatever we offer as a sacrifice to God; whatever we resolve1 to do; whatever good deeds we do in reverence of God and whenever we seek God's pardon, let it be all done sincerely and conscientiously in Love.

Surely, God of Faithful Love who takes delight in Sincerity and Humility2, will have Mercy on us and listen to our plea.

1. The good resolutions that we keep to make amendments for our sinful life.

2. Humility of contrite and repentant heart.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

The precious talent— Faith

The one precious talent that God has given us besides others1, is  Faith.

God expects of us that we always trust in HIM and invest our Faith in deeds of Love and Mercy— and grow abundantly fruitful in every Grace.

Those who stubbornly refuse to believe in God and invest their only Faith that has been entrusted to them, are like the wicked and slothful servant, who wasted the one talent in vain.

1. Our good health; our wealth; our abilities (teaching; preaching; creative skills; inventive skills; care giving etc. ). We must contribute everything that God has blessed us with, to the greater good of our neighbour— so that God's Most Holy will is done and the Blessings of God's Eternal Kingdom descend upon us.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

A legacy of good Faith

A tree lives up to its potential and  provides for its posterity with the best of its life.

Similarly, we must live our life conscientiously1 in Faith; in Love; in Reverence and Obedience to God, leaving a legacy of our good Faith2–  an inspiration; an encouragement; a hope for future generations to grow upon.

What legacy do you leave behind for your posterity?

1. Strive to do everything perfectly to the best of one's ability— in the honour of God— no mediocre work.

2. A Faith that acts through Love and Mercy.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Life in Christ Jesus

Let the  spiritual virtues1 grow greater2  in us and everything that is earthly become less.
Let not the worldliness3 dictate our life but rather Christ lead us and govern our life— let only Christ live within us.
Let Christ be our  everything4 and everything other than Christ count for refuse.

1. Virtue is like a spiritual yeast. By practicing a single virtue with the help of God's Grace, all other virtues are gradually enriched  and the whole dough of earthliness within us  is leavened by God's Sanctity.

2. Growing greater to the extent of Sanctity.

3. Our pride; our ego; our whims and vanity.

4. Let Christ be the treasured asset of our life. Knowing Christ; Loving Christ and living in Christ is of superior worth.

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Be Humble

Humility turns away God's wrath from us.
Humility brings us closer into the presence of God, to enjoy HIS favour and to seek HIS great Mercy.
Humility makes us pleasing and acceptable to God.
Humility brings us on the path of Glory1.
Humility submits itself to God.

The more you humble yourself before God, the more HE will make you prosper in everything that is good and praise worthy.

1. The path that leads to God's Everlasting Kingdom.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Believe in God and Trust in HIS Great Mercy

The ultimate aim of Jesus's Commandment of Love is to bring us1 onto the path of Eternal life. The purpose of the Commandment is to govern our life in God's Grace and to discipline our weak human nature on the path of Truth.

But not everyone will be able to faithfully live up to the ideal and expectations of  Jesus's Commandment of Love— most will fall short in keeping up with the Commandment.

The most important aspect of Jesus's Commandment of Love, is to Believe in God and to Trust in HIS Great Mercy.

You may fall short in living according to Jesus's Commandment of Love. You may heap up  a mountain of sins over the years— but God's Great Mercy forgives them all.

Believe in God and Trust in HIS Great Mercy.

1. People of all Faiths.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

In the house of God

Where there is vanity1— there evil lives.
In a life of Love and Reverence and Sanctity2— there God lives.

1. A life devoid of faith in God; a life of pride which stubbornly defies God; a life of self-indulgence.

2. A life in which God is Faithfully believed and Reverently obeyed.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Closer to God, in Love

Sin keeps us far1 from God.
Love2 brings us closer to God and unites us with God.

1. If not repented, sin progressively succeeds in breaking our trust in God's loving Mercy and distances us  from seeking God's Grace.

2. Love that believes in God; love that obeys God and reveres God.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Governed by God's Grace

Those whose life is not governed by the Commandments of God, feel easily lured by vanity1 and they easily commit everything that is shameful, unlawful and evil.

1. Things that go against the Reverence of God; things that are not beneficial for our soul etc.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Believing in Jesus Christ means...

Just believing in Christ's Passion and Resurrection is not going to save us from damnation-  and lead us to Eternal life.

Believing in Jesus Christ means-  acknowledging with all our heart that HE alone is our True salvation.
Believing means, to trust God with all our heart and to submit our lives into HIS hands, to live according to HIS Most Holy will.
Believing means, to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Beloved Son of the living God, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Believing means, to listen to Jesus's life giving words.
Believing means, to live with the Hope of receiving God's gift of Eternal life.
Believing means, to live as God's witness at all times.
Believing means, to live our life conscientiously in the honour of God.
Believing means, to believe in the Resurrection and the life everlasting.
Believing means, to live our life as one Brotherhood in the love of God.

Believing means, to Humbly wait upon God.
Believing means, to persevere in the Grace of God, till the end of our life.
Believing means, to acknowledge our sins before God.
Believing means, to give up our sinful ways.
Believing means, to live a new life of conversion according to Jesus's words.
Believing means, to produce fruits of Love, in keeping with repentance.
Believing means, to persevere henceforth in Jesus's way of life.

The path of Believing in Jesus Christ; repenting to new life in Christ and persevering till the end of life, is the narrow path which most will find it difficult- we must pray for the Grace of God and strive hard on this path.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Daily Reverence

Each day of our life is an opportunity to thank God; to praise God; to believe in God; to repent; to do good deeds in Love and  to come closer to God.

We must live each  day in a way that the virtues1 are praised2 through our work and our daily life, thereby respecting God's presence in our life.

Christian living is conscientious3 living.

1. Simplicity; Sincerity; Diligence; Faithfulness; Obedience; Kindness; Understanding; Forgiveness etc.

2. Each aspect of our character should be used to  give reverence to God, as moment calls for/ as an opportunity comes our way.

Each day is filled with variety of moments and opportunities, to practice God's kingdom values.

When an opportunity comes our way to practice Diligence, we must do our best to praise the virtue of diligence through our work- thereby giving reverence to God.

When a moment needs us to be Humble, we must practice humility, thus giving reverence to God.

When a moment demands Obedience to our Superiors, we must be obedient- thus honoring God through the virtue of obedience.

When a moment requires our generous help to those in need, we must practice the virtue of Charity- thus praising God.

3. Strive to do everything perfectly to the best of one's ability- in the honour of God- no mediocre work.

Sunday, 8 July 2018

God's saving help

When burdens of life  weigh heavily on our shoulders, we must cling to God with all our Faith and all our Hope-  HE surely comes to our rescue, to help1 in our distress.

HIS saving help comes to our rescue, the more we trust in HIM and make HIM our refuge and seek HIM daily.

The more we stay close to God, the more we feel HIS  saving help near.

HIS saving help speedily comes to the rescue of all those who live according to HIS commandments.

1. Those who maintain faithful relationship with God, their cry for help is always heard.

HIS saving help is close at hand to poor and needy, with no one to help.

God will not listen to the cry of  all those who bring dishonour to HIS name, by their deeds of unfaithfulness; those who maintain outward appearance of religion. Their plea for help and their distress will not be considered since they do not follow the way of God.

God always listens to the cry (for help ) of a repentant sinner who humbly acknowledges his sins and turns away from his sinful ways.

Those who humbly seek God's help must also be willing to accept God's will.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Righteous heart

A heart that is filled with God's Most Holy presence; a heart that is filled with Faith and Hope in God, guides us on the right path in life.

A heart that is filled with vanity and stubborn unbelief in God, leads us more into  errors and confusion1 in life.

1. Every kind of disorder in life.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

God's Most Holy will

In Heaven and on earth, God's 'Most Holy will' holds priority1.

God is the Creator of life and universe. HE is the potter. He knows the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of our heart.
The weakness of our flesh causes us to fall into sin; into errors and into difficult circumstances.
Sometimes, God allows these things to happen to us, for our own good-  to Humble2 us; to strengthen us; to prepare3 us for HIS great work of salvation; to test the sincerity4 of our Faith; to test our Humble5 dependence on HIM.
Most of the times we may not understand HIS ways, and even find it difficult at times to accept HIS 'Most Holy will' in our life.

We are imperfect creatures of flesh.
It is God's  will that we live in HIS presence, and grow perfect.

God's 'Most Holy will' always seeks the greater good of our soul.
From time to time, God presents us with opportunities6, to come  back to HIM-  but we fail to recognize HIM and acknowledge HIS will.

With all those who love God, God's 'Most Holy will' brings them on the path of Truth-  however much their errors and their sins7.

God's 'Most Holy will' is a rampart8 for all those who acknowledge HIM and Humbly live according to HIS Commandments.

All those who Honour HIM, God's 'Most Holy will' assists them in all their endeavours9.

With all those whom God has Called for great work of salvation10, HIS  'Most Holy will' powerfully assists them and leads them to fulfillment.

1. Angels in Heaven obey it Faithfully; Jesus Christ obeyed Heavenly Father's will Faithfully, throughout HIS life- likewise, we too, are expected to obey it Faithfully.
Everything that happens in Heaven and on earth, happens according to the will of God. HE is the potter. To build up or to break down, is entirely in HIS hands. It is for HIM to judge what is right- to allow something unpleasant to happen or to prevent it. Even if HE allows unpleasant circumstances, nevertheless HE does it for our own good.

2. Paul was humbled by the hand of God, while on his way to Damascus, to persecute Christians.

3. Peter fell into sin of denying Jesus Christ- God allowed this fall, to make him understand that- in God alone, we stand firm, and become worthy to carry out HIS 'Most Holy will'. In our pride and strength of our will, we cannot do God's work.

4. e.g. Abraham.

5. Israelites were tested in the desert for forty years- to know whether they'll faithfully obey God's Commandments.

6. Wise instructions through different people; moral instructions of Faith, through different circumstances. We fail to recognize HIM in the opportunities HE presents to us, for our homecoming.

7. e.g. King David.

8. God did not abandon Joseph to suffer the wicked designs of his brothers, but HE cared for him and rescued him from his plight.

9. Works that are good, and for the greater Glory of God. e.g. God assisted Abraham's servant to choose Rebekah as a wife for Isaac.

10. e.g.  Abraham, Moses, Jonah et al.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

The purpose of our Life

In whatever state of life we are placed, God's purpose for our life, is to live a Holy life in HIM.
Although we live in the  world of Vanity, our hearts should always be focused in living a life of sanctity in God.
While living in this world of Vanity, we must always pray to be Wise– that we give to Caesar1, what belongs2 to Caesar and  never to  be indifferent3 in giving to God, what belongs to God.

We are pilgrims in this world. This world  is not our home. God's purpose for our life is— that we live our short life,  Beautifully and Wonderfully in HIM–  being a light to the world and guiding others4 on the path of Eternal life, through  our Faithful and virtuous life in HIM.

We are placed in this world, where God's presence seems to be far-off. God's purpose for our life is–  that we live each day with Faith and Hope of Eternal life in HIM.

God Blessed HIS creation to be fruitful and to multiply.  God's purpose for our life is to be fruitful in HIS  Love  and to spread the fragrance of Sanctity, by our deeds of Love.

God created this world in HIS Faithful Love. HE wants us to live in HIS  Love and Reverence.

1. A prototype of the world.

2. Whatever duties the world requires us to do, we must do it Faithfully.

3. We must never be indifferent in doing our duty of Love towards God- to honour God in all places, at all times; to live as becoming children of God.

4. People of weak Faith; people of other faiths .

Sunday, 24 June 2018

How is your Faith?

Where there is Faith–  there is Reverence1 of God.
Where there is Faith-  there is Conscientious2 living.
Where there is Faith-  there is life of Love3.
Where there is Faith-  there is Hope of Eternal life, in Jesus Christ.

1. Being aware of God's presence at all times and being careful of bringing dishonor to God's name among the people of other faiths; living a life of salt.

2. Christian living is a conscientious living- in every place and at all times, all our deeds should carry the mark and quality of Christ's Love. No mediocre living; no pretence and outward appearance of being a Christian.

3. To be Humble; to be Understanding; to be Forgiving; to be Charitable.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

The rooster still crows

The rooster1 still crows for every person that denies2 and disowns3 Jesus Christ and sins against God.

Lord, forgive me- have mercy on me, a sinner.

1. The rooster reminds us that each one of us is connected with the Passion and death of Christ. Jesus Christ suffered and died for the salvation of each person in the world. The rooster crowed not only for Peter's denial of Jesus but also for every person in the world, who still refuses to acknowledge Jesus Christ, as their salvation.

2. Deny to believe Jesus Christ as the son of the living God and our true salvation.

3. When we behave unfaithfully and irreverently towards God- unbecoming of the children of God.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Persevere in HIM

We must perseveringly wait upon God, just like a Faithful and Humble servant.
For the most part, our prayers would not be answered instantly-  for HE knows our heart; HE knows the weakness of our sinful being.
HE makes us to go through difficult circumstances-  to test the sincerity of our heart; to test our faithful perseverance, in HIM.
HE makes us to feel the pain of burden and sufferings-  to humble us and to make us strong1 in the virtue of Humility, in HIM.
On the path of suffering, HE purifies our heart and brings us to Peace2, in HIM.
HE never abandon us-  HIS Faithful Love is always constantly present with us, to sustain us in our deepest misery.

Persevere in HIM; trust in HIM.

Our Prayers; our Faith; our Hope will certainly  be answered in HIS good time. HIS Blessings will surely reach us in HIS good time, to strengthen us; to uphold us and to renew us.
HE will fill our heart with great Joy, beyond our expectation and more than what we had prayed for.

Persevere in HIM; trust in HIM.
God is Faithfully and constantly with us.

1. To make us strong in all HIS Goodness.

2. HE brings us to reconciliation with HIM.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Returning home to God

Life lived in Love and Reverence of God, returns back to God.
Life wasted in defiance and stubborn unbelief in God, is lost forever in the eternity of hell.

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Beautiful people

Beautiful are those, who live their life sincerely and Faithfully, in the love of God.
They spread the fragrance of God-  the fragrance of Love; the fragrance of Sanctity, throughout the world.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Come, Listen to HIM

Until now, you stubbornly followed your own will.
You relied on your own understanding of life.
Until now, you lived your life hoping in the false security of the world.
Until now, you lived in your stubborn unbelief in God.

Come, Listen to  HIM .

Listen to  HIM  with all your heart; listen with Humility and Faith, to the Beloved son of God.
For HE speaks to our heart, about HIS Faithful Love1.
HE speaks to our heart, about HIS constant presence2 with us.
HE speaks to our heart, about Trusting in HIM and Hoping in HIM.
HE speaks to our heart, about repentance and reconciliation- that our life be restored in HIM.
HE speaks to our heart, about HIS 'WAY'3-  that brings us to Eternal life, in HIM.
HE speaks to our heart, about HIS Most Holy Wisdom4.

Come, Listen to  HIM .

1. God loves us; God cares for us; God is always with us.

2. we need the support of Faithful and strong presence to give us the assurance of security in our life.  We need the guiding light to guide us on the right path-  to avoid errors in life.

3. Jesus Christ.

4. God's Wisdom gives us the understanding to see the things of life in the light of God; guides us to be Prudent in all our actions; guides us to do everything that is pleasing to God.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Authentic Christian

The life of a True Christian  is driven by God's Love. All his doings bear the quality of Love-  and  are conscientiously1 done in Love.
Faithful obedience to God is the priority of his life.
He lives his life being consciously aware2 of God's most Holy presence-  at all times.
In every place and at all times, he sincerely lives as a God's witness3.
His life bears the  quality of Abel's offering4.

In every place and at all times, his Sincerity; his Humility; his kindness; his Faithfulness; his Patience; his Purity; his Love,  is found to be authentic-  no two garments; no two different weights5.
He lives his life aiming for Sanctity of God.
The needle of his life always points in the direction of Eternal life.
His life is a prayer in Faith- a pleasing and worthy offering to God.
He is a perfect instrument of God's Love  and leads others6 towards salvation.

He is a Faithful and watchful7 servant of God.
In hardships and difficulties of life, he Perseveringly believes in God and bears everything Patiently8, in the honour of God.
For everything9 that he needs, his Hope rests in God alone.
He feels contented to live in the presence of God, rather than filling his heart with the satisfactions of the world.
Against criticism and antagonistic behaviour from the world, his Faith in God and Love for God, acts as his strong defense.

In every place and in every circumstances, he lives his life virtuously, at his very best, in the honour of God.
Everything that he does, is done Sincerely and Faithfully, in the honour of God.
The word of TRUTH10 lives in his heart and his life-  he is the living Gospel of Christ.
His life respects and values the preciousness of his soul11.
His life is planted near the streams of living water12 -  he bears hundredfold fruits in the field of uprightness.

His heart is full of zeal and works zealously for the Kingdom of God.
He acts selflessly and lives charitably, without expecting any gratitude and any reward.
He conscientiously lives a life of Love in God.
His heart is always full of Gratitude towards God.
Being constantly aware of his sinfulness, he lives a life of repentance with a contrite heart-  in Humility towards God.

1. He strives to do everything perfectly to the best of his ability- in the honour of God. There is no place for mediocrity in his life.

2. God is always with us. HE is always near us. HIS presence is to be constantly revered.

3. Such that God's name is honoured; and is careful about bringing disrespect to God's Most Holy name.

4. Everything he does, is done meticulously and conscientiously, in the honour of God. On the other hand, Cain's offering is a mark of mediocrity.

5. There is constancy in his behaviour.

6. Those who are weak in their Faith in God; and those of other faiths, who have not accepted Jesus Christ, as their salvation.

7. Watchful as wise virgins; being aware of the times; being aware of the frailty of human nature, he perseveringly prays for the Grace to live Faithfully and Obediently, in the honour of God, in this world of vanity.

8. Bears everything Patiently like Blessed Job.

9. All the help.

10. Jesus Christ, the living WORD; Jesus Christ, the Eternal TRUTH.

11. He is not negligent of the welfare of his soul; he is careful to avoid sin and burden his soul with impurity.

12. Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Do we have the Faith, to wait upon God?

God has Beautiful plans for each one of us.
Do we have the Faith?
Do we have the Courage?
Do we have the Patience?
Do we have the Humility?–  to wait upon God, and see the wonderful miracle1 of life.

1. As the life unfolds, God's plans gradually come to fulfillment for  each one of us– in HIS time, according to HIS will.

The God who created us, is Trustworthy. HE will make our life Beautiful and worthy– if we persevere in our Faithful and Humble trust in HIM.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

We belittle the commandments of God.

We belittle the commandments of God.

In our negligence to observe God's commandments, we foolishly spent our lives following the cultures and traditions of the world-  making our lives miserable; unworthy1 and more burdensome.

Only God's commandments has the Grace to guide human lives and to bring Unity; Harmony; Order and Peace.

1. Unworthy of Eternal Life.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Treasure the salt of Life

Our Faith; our Hope, and our Love for God, is the salt of our life.
If we neglect1 our Faith in God, our Hope2 will scatter and our Love for God will grow cold and indifferent–  making our life worthless3.

1. Neglect our Faithful obedience and Reverence to God.

2. Hope in God; Hope in Resurrection; Hope in Eternal life.

3. Unworthy of Eternal life.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Living Testimony

In our sincere Faith1 and sincere Love2, the 'TRUTH'3 of God lives–  HE gives True testimony4  to the world.

1. A Faith that perseveringly Honours God, at all times.

2. A Love that lives Faithfully and Obediently, doing God's Most Holy will– at all times.

3. Jesus Christ.

4. Jesus Christ is the Beloved Son of the Living God– in HIM alone, is our Salvation– it is HE who leads us to Eternal Life.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

God's commandment is Simple and Easy

God's commandment of  Love is Simple1–  HE has not made it difficult.
God's commandment of  Love is Easy2 on our shoulders–  HE has not made it burdensome.
The only thing is-  we should incline3 our hearts towards God's love.

1. God's commandment is mindful of human nature, it does not demand too much from our weak human nature– rather it urges us on to the observance of simple Godly values.

For our own good (to keep a watch on our sinful nature), Love exhorts us to believe in God and Honour HIS Most Holy name (by obeying HIS statutes to be Kind; Merciful; Forgiving and always Loving), that we may constantly live in HIS Most Holy presence and benefit from HIM.

The simplicity of God's Love is– it does not force our free will  (it does not act like a hard taskmaster ), rather it inspires our free will to choose between life and death– Holy life in HIM and Eternal life for our soul.

2. With our Humble Faith in HIM, HE grants us the strength of Grace to live HIS Commandments.

3. It is only when we taste God's Love (by living HIS Commandments ), that we will come to know and understand and Love– that HE truly is Good and beneficial for our life.

In this context, the Holy Scriptures encourages us by these words: "Taste and see that Yahweh is good. How Blessed are those who take refuge in HIM."  (Psalm 34:8)

Practice the virtue of Kindness; of Loving; of Mercy; of Forgiving, in your life, with all your heart and experience it for yourself, that God's Kingdom values are truly Good.

Sunday, 13 May 2018


Humility waits Patiently upon God– always Trusting and Hoping in God alone.
Humility shows readiness to accept God's salvation1.
Humility acts more Generously.
Humility is more Forgiving and Understanding and more Patient.
Humility is repentant.
Humility lives more in the Love2 of God.

1. Jesus Christ is God's salvation– in HIM alone, the mankind is saved.

2. Lives sincerely and conscientiously according to the commandment of Love.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Obedience is better than sacrifice

Life is more for Faithful Obedience to God– than for sacrifice.

We practice Faithful Obedience to God, by living HIS Commandment of Love1, at all times.
We practice Faithful Obedience to God, when we are careful about  bringing disrespect to God's Most Holy name, among the people of other faiths.
We practice Faithful  Obedience to God, by being obedient to our Parents.
We practice Faithful Obedience to God, by being obedient2  to those in authority over us.

All that we suffer in remaining Faithfully Obedient to the honor of  God, counts more than any sacrifice.

For in the virtue of Holy Obedience to God, we partake in the uprightness of Christ–  who HIMSELF remained Faithfully Obedient to God's Most Holy will-  even unto death on the Cross.

Furthermore, Sacrifices become more pleasing and acceptable to God,  at the hands of those who are Faithfully Obedient to God.

1. To be Forgiving; to be Patient; to be Understanding; to be Gentle; to be Sincere. Love is to be lived in all sincerity, with all our heart– at all times, being mindful of God.

2. Doing tasks and responsibilities assigned to us, willingly and sincerely, out of respect for the person in authority– still more, in the honour of God.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

God is waiting– for our humble return

God's hand is always outstretched to offer us HIS saving help.
HIS  Merciful heart is always constantly waiting to forgive our sins.
HE is always Patiently waiting  for our humble1  return.
His Sanctifying Grace is always waiting to renew us and restore us.
But, if we don't  step towards God's saving Grace2, we'll hopelessly3 die in our sins4.

1. To come back to HIM with sincerity and humility-  with all our heart.

2. Jesus Christ; in HIM alone is our salvation.

3. Condemned for eternity.

4. To perish in our sins due to our stubborn unbelief in God.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Christ crucified, Christ resurrected

Christ crucified gives us the strength to bear our sufferings Humbly and Patiently, with Faith and Love, in HIM.

Christ crucified inspires us and motivates us for a life of Faithful and Humble obedience to God's Most Holy will.

Christ crucified gives us the Grace to live a life of Love, in HIM.

Christ crucified inspires us for the life of Simplicity and Humility, in HIM.

Christ crucified gives us the proof of one, True God–  the proof of True Love.

Christ resurrected gives us the Hope of victory,1 in HIM.

Christ resurrected strengthens our Faith that HE is for us2 and is with us, always.

Christ resurrected gives us the Hope of Resurrection and Eternal life, in HIM.

Christ resurrected gives us Joy; Happiness and Peace, in HIM.

Christ resurrected gives us the Hope of Salvation, in HIM alone.

1. Victory over our sinful self; victory over the wickedness in the world, through life of Love, in HIM.

2. HE died for us, and HE resurrected for us, that we may live with HIM, forever.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Peace for our heart

Our sins; worries; anxieties; difficulties and pains of life, disturbs the inner Peace of our being.

Our heart and our Soul longs for Peace. Our heart cannot remain still, it  cannot find perfect contentment in worldly things; it constantly craves for satisfaction and  Happiness.

God's Peace is the life of our heart and Soul.

Our heart and our soul finds its rest and Peace in God alone, where it is nourished and renewed.

Shouldering the yoke1 of God's Love and living uprightly makes us worthy of God's Peace.

Living our life according to God's commandment of  Love, strengthens our mind and heart and our Humble Hope in HIM strengthens us against every weariness.

1. God's commandments are not burdensome. They are easy for those who love God.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Echoing Faith

Every heart that believes in Jesus Christ, should echo the  same Faith of the Apostles: "You are the Christ, the son of the living God'.

With the same Humility: " Lord, to whom shall we go, for you have the words of Eternal life."

Sunday, 22 April 2018

God's Discipline

God makes us to live  in humble circumstances and tread HIS path with Humility, that our heart and soul be purified of every evil and only Faith; Hope and Love remain and live in our heart, forever.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Children of the living God

We are exhorted  to wear the garment1 of Christ's love at all times- no two2 garments.

1. Behaving in a way that is worthy of Christ; being an example among the people of other faiths by our Love; Faith; Humility and Purity.

2. You cannot please both, world and God. To please God, always– must be the priority of our life.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

We are all called for Holiness

Be it any profession, be it any way of life, we are all called for Holiness.
We are called to practice our Faith in a manner that is applicable to our individual state of life1.
We are called to live2 our Faith in proportion to the strength of our virtue3.
We are called to live our life as a pleasing offering4, in Faith in God.

The Sincerity; the Humility; the Love, and the Reverence with which we live  our Faith, will certainly bring us closer to the reward of Sanctity.

1. No profession, however occupying and tiring and no life, however difficult and burdensome – nothing can separate us from the love of God. Faith can be practiced  at all times and in every circumstances. Everything (duty; responsibility; work; moments of refreshment etc.) that our life calls for, is to be lived in Faith (in God) with sincerity and love for God.

2. Live our faith in love (doing deeds of Mercy; being Kind; being Gentle; being Generous; being Patient; being Understanding)– in the love of God.

3. We are creatures of flesh, endowed with a spiritual soul. God has  Blessed each one with unique spiritual strengths and talents. We are called to use those strengths and talents in a manner that brings Honour to God's name, unlike the servant who neglected and ignored the one talent entrusted to him by his Master.

4.  Each moment and every day of our life is to be offered to God, to live it reverently, in HIS honour.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Be Blessed in Humility

In Humility1 we receive more2 from God, than all that we Can earn with the sheer strength of our labor and will.

1. Those who are diligent and live humbly before God, obeying HIS commandments Faithfully– rather than those who only believe in the strength of their labour and will.

2. In our Humility before God, we receive HIS constant protection; we receive God's Mercy; HE keeps us in HIS Most Holy presence; HE brings us safely to Eternal life; HE brings us honour; HE brings Joy and Peace to our restless heart; HE listens to our plea in our moments of distress; HE revives our spirit and gives us Hope to live our life with renewed strength of Faith and Love.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Jesus is our True Happiness

Our heart and our soul cannot be perfectly Happy and at Peace unless it is freed from the burden of sin; unless it is reconciled  with God. It is Jesus Christ alone, who takes away the burden of sin upon HIMSELF and brings Joy and tranquility in our heart.

Jesus is the True Peace1, who alone has the Grace to console our fears and our anxieties and to bring them to stillness in HIM. It is Christ alone, who grants us the Grace to be at Peace in our misery and wretchedness.

Our heart longs to be nourished with Love. It is Jesus Christ alone, who is True love– the 'LOVE' who suffered for our sins and died for our sins. It is the love of Christ that satisfies2 the deepest longing and needs of our heart and fills the emptiness in our heart.

Jesus is the wisdom of God . It is HE alone, who has the words of Eternal life. It is HIS way of love that brings us on the path of contentment and Happiness and keeps us secure.

1. It is by the sacrifice of Jesus's Blood that we are brought to reconciliation with God.

2. The worldly things  bring momentary happiness to our heart. But Jesus Christ brings Eternal Happiness to our heart and soul. HE alone is the true satisfaction of our heart.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Sufferings and Blessings

Every Cross1 that we face in our life and every burden2 that is laid down on our shoulders,  has a Blessing3 attached to it–  if it is lived with Faith and Humility in Christ.

1. Physical sufferings viz. physical disability; illnesses etc; the difficulties and pain that time and circumstances bring in our life.
In the weakness of our flesh and our will, the sins that we commit against God. Our daily sins burden our soul. We often ignore this Cross and do not care much for our soul.

2. Duties and responsibilities  towards our family members, especially old Parents; those who are sick; those who are physically disabled.
In fact, caring responsibilities should not be treated as a burden but should be handled with Christian love.

3. God reserves a unique Blessing for each one's life.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Be Joyful, Be Hopeful– For I AM Risen

Be Joyful, Be Hopeful– For I Am Risen

HE came into this world, to teach us the way of Love.
HE came into this world, to show us that true love always suffers– even unto death.
HE came into this world, to give us the living evidence by HIS Life, Death and Resurrection that HE alone is the TRUTH– the one True God and HE alone brings us to Eternal life.
HE came into this world, that we may live the way of HIS Love.
HE came into this world, that we may believe in the TRUTH of HIS Life.
HE came into this world, that we may inherit Eternal life through HIM, and in HIM.

Does Jesus Christ (the Way, the TRUTH and the Life) who lived 2000 years ago, live in you– today?
Is HE despised and ignored in your heart , the way HE was despised 2000 years ago, by the Jews and the Romans?



Friday, 30 March 2018

For God so loved the world

In the picture, we see Jesus Christ (the Bread of Everlasting life ) offering HIMSELF as a loving sacrifice for the salvation of the world.
For God so loved the world
Summary: In the picture, we see Jesus Christ (the Bread of Everlasting life ) offering HIMSELF as a loving sacrifice for the salvation of the world.


The broken Bread: The broken Bread symbolizes the Body of Christ, lovingly offered as a sacrifice for the life of the world.

The living Bread is full of  love– for God is love.

The green color outlining the Bread symbolizes the innocence of Jesus. ["For if this is what is done to green wood, what will be done when the wood is dry?" [Luke 23:31] ]

The red Cross made up of thorny mesh symbolizes the intense sufferings of Jesus.

The radiating Heart symbolizes the outpouring of Jesus's abundant love. It further symbolizes the Joy of victory over sin.

The Blood drops: The Blood of Jesus Christ (full of Merciful love; full of Grace; full of life; full of Holy Spirit.) poured out for the salvation of many.

In the picture, we see the Blood of Jesus Christ ( the light of the world ) dispelling the darkness of sin from the sinful world.

The background: The violet- purplish shade of the sky symbolizes Heaven– in mourning. The fiery colors of the sky symbolizes the Passion of Christ; the anger and the  hostility of the Jews; the ruffled environment. The dark clouds  enveloping the earth symbolizes the darkness of sin.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

The goal of our life

The goal of life is Holiness1.
Those who  strive2 towards Holiness, live  close3 to the 'TRUTH'4.

1. No one can enter God's kingdom without becoming Holy.

2. strive to live a life of love in all humility and faith in God.

3. For God loves the person whose goal is uprightness.

4. Jesus Christ. The 'TRUTH' leads us and brings us safely to our Eternal home.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

In love with God

Those who do not incline1 their heart towards God, incline towards pride.
And in their pride they defy2 God.

1. To humbly and perseveringly incline our heart in Faith, Hope and Love towards God.

2.  To stubbornly disbelieve in God and disrespect God.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Be rich in God

With God, we are always rich.
Blessed with HIS abundant Blessings.
Blessed with HIS Most Holy presence.
Blessed with HIS constant protection.
Blessed with HIS Faithful love.
Blessed with HIS  abundant Graces.
Blessed to grow rich in Faith.
Blessed to grow rich in Hope.
Blessed to Inherit salvation.
Blessed to inherit Eternal life.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Let God be revered

Let God be revered in our life.
For HIS love is Faithful.
For HE alone forgives. For with HIM is generous ransom1.
HE alone saves us from perdition.
HE alone restores us.
HE alone brings us to new life in HIM.

1. God relented from bringing destruction on Nineveh. HE does not treat us as our sins deserve, but generously forgives us– like prodigal son's Merciful Father.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Suffering- a good companion for life

In the journey of life, suffering is our good companion1.
For Christ suffered for us, first- HE died for us.
Now, it's our turn, to take up our cross2 and follow3 HIM daily.
And HE will bring us to Eternal Glory.

1. Good companion: In suffering patiently and willingly for God, we find Jesus for our 'good companion'.  HE assures us of HIS strong presence during the moments of our weaknesses and sufferings. By patiently bearing our suffering, we share in HIS sufferings. Through suffering we are perfected in God's grace.

2. The difficulties and pain that time and circumstances bring in our life.

3. To trust HIM wholeheartedly despite the contrary circumstances and to persevere in deeds of Love and Mercy.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Test of Virtue

In every place and at all times, when virtue1 is tested, it is found Beautiful.
Virtue shines Beautifully in all circumstances.

1. Love; Humility; Chastity; Forgiveness; Kindness; Patience; Diligence; Faith; Hope;  Honesty; Temperance.

Virtue is without any pretence; it is not sanctimonious.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Read it, and listen to HIM

We are people of Grace1– people of Holy scriptures2.
We need Holy scriptures in our daily life, to be  alive in this world of vanity– to avoid errors in our life.
Neglecting Holy scriptures means neglecting the light of God, needed to enlighten us and guide us on the path of 'TRUTH'.

1. Through Jesus Christ, we have received God's saving Grace.
2. Holy scriptures has been given to us, to instruct us on the path of 'TRUTH'.

St. Augustine (Bishop of Hippo) read it and listened to HIM– life of sin left him– Eternal life came closer to him.

Holy ones read it; faithful ones still read it and listen to the 'WORD'– the 'WORD' that became flesh for us, sinners.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Always trust in God's loving Mercy

For all the life that the 'good thief' had lived, his  life didn't deserve1 the reward of Eternal kingdom.
Nevertheless, his humility2 and perfect trust in God's loving mercy, counted more than a life of repentance, in the eyes of God.

1. didn't deserve it instantly. No one unworthy could instantly be taken into the 'Kingdom of God'.

2. Humility to acknowledge God; humility to revere God; humility to acknowledge his many sins.

May we Live our life in such a way, that the moment of death finds us in a state of humility; in a state of faith and loving trust in God's infinite Mercy.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Eternally with HIM

God wants us to live and be alive1, in HIS love– that we may live with HIM, forever.

1. In a state of God's Grace, where we believe and acknowledge Jesus Christ, as our salvation.

If we persevere to be alive in HIM, now– we shall continue to live with HIM in Eternal life.

Jesus Christ is God's saving grace.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Humility vs PRIDE

In humility, we come to know and acknowledge God's doing in our life.
In PRIDE, we boastfully believe every achievement and  success, to be the fruit of our own labor.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Let God reign

Wickedness1 enthrones our life when indifference towards God rules our heart.

1. Anything that stands against the love of Christ is wickedness.        

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

A Right turn

Turn away from sin.
Turn your heart towards God.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Jesus- the Beloved 'WORD'

God has given us HIS Beloved 'WORD'1 for our life
–To show us the way and to  prepare our way2 to HIS Eternal Kingdom.
–That we may listen to HIM and  honor HIM through our deeds in love and mercy.

1. Jesus Christ; the Holy Scriptures– the life-giving spirit.

2. HE Himself is the way to God's Eternal Kingdom.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

The illusion of sin

Sin weighs heavy on a sinner and yet the burden seems so much lighter.
Sin is despicable and yet it feels delectable to our senses.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

The right path

A right path1 will lead you to live right life2.
A right life will bring you to God– and God's Eternal Kingdom.

1. way of God; a life of love in God; living according to God's commandments.

2. A virtuous life; a life worthy of God's Kingdom; a life that inspires unbelievers on the path of TRUTH;  a life that gives hope to those of weak faith; a life that brings sinners to repentance in God.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

With God OR without God

Our flesh is weak.
Without God– in weakness1; in darkness2 and in sin it remains.
With God– it becomes strong; pure and Holy– worthy to be a temple of God, where God is honored and revered.

1. Lack of Grace to live a virtuous life– a life of love, in God.
2. Ignorance of God; stubborn unbelief; indifference towards God.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Be more, in God

If you are less in God– you'll be more in sin.
The more you are in sin– farther away, you'll be from God.
The farther you are from God– farther away, you'll be from salvation– and still closer to damnation.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Living Wisely

Those who live their life according to the commandments of God, act wisely1.

1. A life worthy of HIS 'Eternal Kingdom'.

Monday, 22 January 2018


Humility submits itself to the 'will of God'1 .
Humility lives like a child2 in God's presence.
Humility is eager3 and willing to know about God.

1. HIS plans for our life are always for our own good– to mould us into a child of God.
2. Trusting wholeheartedly in God.
3. Just like Zacchaeus.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Be Determined- do not be stubborn

Be determined in your Faith; Faithfulness; Hope; Love and Perseverance in God.

Do not be stubborn1 in your unbelief; sinfulness; unfaithfulness; unforgivingness; Pride; anger and hatred.  

1. stubbornness inclines more on the side of evil.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

A Living 'WORD'

Let your life be a living 'WORD'1 which people of different faiths can see and believe and be transformed. 

1.  Jesus Christ, alive– living within us.
Christ lives within us when we live in HIS love– loving one another; understanding one another and forgiving one another. 12-Jan-18 5:28 PM  edited.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Prayer of renewal

Lord, I am wounded and overwhelmed by sin.
I am dead– in my stubbornness to believe in YOU.
Restore me, and bring me to life in YOU.

Monday, 1 January 2018

Happy New Year 2018 and Blessed be 'Mary, the Holy Mother of God'

“Woman, behold your son!” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” [John 19:26-27]

In honoring her, we honor HIM– who Blessed her to be a chosen vessel of God's Grace.

I wish you all a Happy Feast of 'Mary, the Holy Mother of God'.

And I wish you all a Blessed New year 2018, in Jesus Christ, our Lord.