Saturday, 28 December 2019

Christmas crib' 2019

Christmas crib' 2019_daylight


The Good shepherd, the Beloved Son of the living God, is born to love and suffer and die for our salvation.
God's Love (Jesus Christ ) brings salvation to the world, through Love and suffering.

Those who love— they must also suffer.
The good shepherd triumphs over death and sin, through love and suffering.

 The love of Christ is triumphant.


Heart: The heart is crowned with thorns and pierced with nails— symbolic of the awaited sufferings and death on the cross. The heart is symbolic of Love. Jesus Christ came into this world in Love— to teach us to Love and bring us to salvation (in HIM). It is HIS Love, that gives us the Grace and the strength, to live our life in Love and become triumphant over the difficulties and trials of life. The glitter inside the heart is symbolic of the Joy, despite the imminent sufferings.

Sword: The swords smeared with blood are symbolic of the sword of King Herod, waiting to persecute child Jesus, and the sword of the unbelieving Jews and the chief Priests, waiting to crucify HIM.

Shepherd's crook: The shepherd's staff is symbolic of Jesus Christ, being the Good shepherd, who leads the world to salvation.

Star: The star is symbolic of HIS glorious birth.

Vine twigs: The outgrowing vine twigs, sprouting from the heart, entwine the swords; the nails and the Shepherd's staff— symbolic of the triumphant Love of Jesus Christ—Jesus Christ defeats and overcomes everything (persecution; sufferings; death and sin ).
Jesus Christ, the true vine, perseveres in HIS Love, and gives testimony of HIS Love, despite the opposition and indifference of the unbelieving world.   

Christmas crib' 2019_Night scene

Wish you Merry Christmas and a Blessed New year 2020.

Friday, 13 December 2019

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus

2000 years ago, all the inns were full.
There was no place for HIM, to be born (except a humble stable).

In times now, HE is still looking for a place1, to be welcomed— to be born.
God's salvation2  is patiently waiting outside, knocking on our stubborn unbelieving heart— waiting to bring Peace and Joy and New life.

Is Jesus welcomed?
Is our heart still closed?— filled with vanity and unbelief, with no place for Jesus.

1. An eager heart, willing to believe— like that of Zacchaeus.

2. Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Love and Healing

When  you feel loved—  you begin to heal.
When you live in Love1— you begin to heal and transform into a new creation.

1. living in Love: believing in God; being Generous; being Understanding; being Forgiving; being Merciful; being Kind; being Honest; being Sympathetic;  being Considerate; being Compassionate; living a life of Purity.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019


Holiness is about doing little things conscientiously1 , with Faith, and reverence for God.
Holiness is about bringing honour2  to God, in the world which is lost to vanity.

1. strive to do everything perfectly to the best of one's ability— in the honour of God— no mediocre work.

2. We bring honour to God, by living in Truth and Love; and bringing unbelieving world to Faith in God.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Good and Greater good

A man can do good, and greater good, in his life.
A man can do good— by living an exemplary Family life1 , in God.
And a man can do greater good2— by living an illustrious Spiritual life, in God.

1. The world becomes populated, when one lives a family life. When there are good people, living an  Exemplary Christian family life, there will be more people— in the direction of God— on the path of Eternal life.

2. Nothing can be better and greater than a life that is committed to do God's Most Holy will.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Beautiful people

Beautiful people do Beautiful work1 by living charitably, in the honour of God.

1. Beautiful work: Charitable work (alms-giving; helping the needy); living a life of Love (being Generous; being Understanding; being Forgiving; being Merciful; being Kind; being Honest; being Sympathetic;  being Considerate; being Compassionate; living a life of Purity.);  works (related to different fields) that Praises and Honours God; living a life of Persevering Faith, that gives testimony to the unbelieving world, through a good Christian life, in God.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019


There is much Peace1 in Forgiveness, than in avenging, through Justice.

1.  Because, we honour God in the act of Forgiveness and do HIS Most Holy will. Be calm— for the Lord says: "Vengeance is mine, I will pay them back…" [Deuteronomy 32:35]

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Christian Life

Christian life is for Love; Forgiveness and Mercy— not for rebellion1 and retaliation2.

1. Rebellion against God— for the difficult circumstances you are going through; because things are not going your way.

  Rebellion against your Parents— because they don't love you enough or they don't understand you clearly or meet your needs.

  Rebellion against your Spouse— for varied reasons.

  Rebellion against the Church of God (by abandoning it)— because some things are contrary to your beliefs and understandings.

2. Retaliating against those who harm you and hurt you or ill treat you unjustly. A good  Christian returns ill in Forgiveness.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Good deeds

Good deeds performed in Faith, become a worthy1 offering to the Glory of God. Faith catapults good actions towards God.

Good deeds lacking the foundation of Faith, are only aimed at self-glory. They fail to rise to the approval of God.

1. Good deeds done in Faith are  done according to the Most Holy will of God.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Fruitful Faith

If you do not revere1, what you believe in— what good is that Faith.
If you do not obey and live, what you believe in, what you hope for — what good is that Faith.

1. Pay Reverence to God with all your heart and with all your life.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Suffering is God's privileged Blessing

In the Cauldron of  human sufferings our Faith is put to test— so that the worth of our Faith may be proved.
In our humble sufferings we are purified and we are protected by God's Grace.

Suffering purges away sin.
Suffering brings us to new life in Christ.

Suffering humbles us and brings us to acknowledge God; to seek HIS pardon; to seek HIS Mercy and brings us to repentance.
In pain; difficulties and sufferings of life— we come to the understanding of  truths of life and God.

God disciplines us, perfects us in Patience; Perseverance and Faith— through suffering.
Suffering1 makes us worthy so as to share God's Glory.

If we are in Christ, then we must be one with HIS sufferings, by patiently bearing our share of sufferings— for Christ suffered too.

For those who believe in God, suffering is God's privileged Blessing.

1. Earthly sufferings as well as purgatorial sufferings.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Prayer for Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, I  believe in YOU, with all my heart, with all my life and I acknowledge all my sins before YOU.

Forgive me the sins that I have committed against YOU, in the weakness of my flesh and forgive me the sins that are unknown to me.

Cleanse my heart and purify my soul from the impurity of sin and bring my life to a Holy end in YOU— doing YOUR Most Holy Will.


Wednesday, 31 July 2019


In PRIDE one exhausts one's Patience to understand and to bear with the weaknesses of other person.

PRIDE acts indifferently and unbelievingly towards God— the source of Love and Mercy.

In PRIDE one becomes deprived of God's Grace— to Love and Forgive and be Merciful.

Our relationship suffers greatly on account of PRIDE.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Christian Mother forgives her son's murderer

St. Francis de Sales relates that at Padua, where he pursued part of his studies, there existed a detestable custom. The young men amused themselves by running through the streets at night armed with arquebuses, and crying out to all those they met,
"Who goes there?"

People were obliged to answer, for they fired upon those who gave no reply, and many persons were thus wounded or killed.

It happened one evening that a student, not having responded to the question, was struck in the head by a ball and mortally wounded. The perpetrator of this deed, seized with terror, took to flight and sought refuge in the house of a good widow whom he knew, and whose son was his fellow-student. He confessed to her with tears that he had just killed someone unknown to him, and begged her to give him an asylum in her house.

Touched with compassion, and not suspecting that she had before her the murderer of her son, the lady concealed the fugitive in a place of safety where the officers of justice would be unable to discover him.

Half an hour had not elapsed, when a tumultuous noise was heard at the door; a corpse was carried in and placed before the eyes of the widow. Alas ! it was her son who had been killed, and whose murderer now lay concealed in her house. The poor mother broke forth into heartrending cries, and entering the hiding-place of the assassin,
"Miserable man," said she, "what had my son done to you that you should thus cruelly have murdered him?"

The guilty wretch, learning that he had killed his friend, cried aloud, tearing his hair, and wringing his hands in despair. Then throwing himself upon his knees, he asked pardon of his protectress, and besought her to deliver him up to the magistrate, that he might expiate so horrible a crime.

The disconsolate mother remembered at this moment that she was a Christian; the example of Jesus Christ praying for His executioners stimulated her to heroic action. She replied that provided he asked pardon of God and amended his life, she would let him go, and stay all legal proceedings against him.

This pardon was so agreeable to God, that He wished to give the generous mother a striking proof thereof. He permitted that the soul of her son should appear to her, resplendent with Glory, saying that he was about to enjoy Eternal Beatitude.

"God has shown mercy to me, dear mother," said the blessed soul, "because you showed mercy towards my assassin.

In consideration of the pardon which you granted, I have been delivered from Purgatory, where, without the assistance which you have afforded me, I should have had to undergo long years of intense suffering."

( Excerpt taken from the Book " Purgatory" by Rev. F. X. SCHOUPPE, S.J.)


The above true incident gives us God's testimony and reassurance of HIS Great Mercy— in forgiving the wrong doings of all  those who are bent on wickedness.

In today's times when incidents of such nature happen, we seek our way for justice and demand punishment for the crimes of perpetrators.

We rely more on the laws of the world than on God's Commandment of Love and Forgiveness and Mercy.

The Holy Scripture says:

19 Never try to get revenge: leave that, my dear friends, to the Retribution. As scripture says: Vengeance is mine—I will pay them back, the Lord promises. 20 And more: If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat; if thirsty, something to drink. By this, you will be heaping red-hot coals on his head. 21 Do not be mastered by evil, but master evil with good. (Romans 12:19-21).

  In forgiving the perpetrators and all those who hurt us and ill treat us— God is more pleased to forgive our many sins and punishment due for our sins (in purgatory).

Christian life is for Love; Forgiveness and Mercy— not for retaliation and vengeance.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Built on Love and Forgiveness

Our life is built on Love and Forgiveness— in the reverence of God.
When you Loveyou must also forgive.
It is only when we forgive that we begin to Love more1 and grow increasingly more in the goodness of God.

Forgiveness is the most important act of Love.
An act of Forgiveness is more pleasing and agreeable to God than any sacrifice.

Only a life of Love and Forgiveness can clear all the mess of sins we commit daily— because Love and Forgiveness pleases God to show HIS Great Mercy and forgive our many sins.

1. Forgiveness is not an easy act of Love. So when you perform the difficult act of Forgiveness, you receive abundance of God's Grace— to love, even more.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Is your life heading towards God?

Each passing day brings us nearer towards the end of our life.

How are you progressing  towards your end?
Boldly; indifferently1; irreverently; faithlessly— in defiance of God.


Humbly; Reverently; Faithfully and Obediently— in the Love of God.

1. Most of the people (viz. professionals; career-oriented people etc. ) who live self-centered and self-indulgent life, couldn't care less for Faith in God and welfare of their soul.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Christian Love— Christian Life

Our life begins to live1 when we begin to Love.
Make Love a ruling principle of your daily life.
Let all your deeds  proceed out of Love and Reverence for God.
For without God, there is no Love; without Love, there is no life— no living.

1. Christ gave us the Commandment of Love, to live our life. It is only through Love that our life comes to Perfection in Christ.
Our life will never come to Perfection in this mortal world— however, our life must continue to live on the path of Perfection— to enter into Eternal Life.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Be Patient with your weaknesses

One moment we confess our sins, the next we sin again.
One moment we resolve to be Obedient and Faithful to God, the next we falter again.
This is the weakness of human flesh.

Be Patient with your weaknesses.
Be Persevering in your Faith in God.
For Faith will gradually grow strong to overcome every kind of weakness and sin.

What is conquered through  Faith and Grace of God  is conquered forever.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Lord, to whom shall we go?

Jesus Christ offers us Hope of Eternal Life.
Jesus Christ offers us Mercy and Forgiveness of sins.
Jesus Christ offers us the Commandment of Love— to live in Holiness of God.
Jesus Christ offers us Faith— to believe in one True Living God.
Jesus Christ offers us HIS Peace— which is unaffected by adversity.

All that the world offers is vanity; a faithless life; a momentary happiness and peace.

To whom shall we go?
In whom shall be believe for our life?
Who will lead us to salvation?

Jesus Christ alonethe Beloved Son of the one True Living Godis our True Faith; our only Hope and our Everlasting Life.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

God's Love is Wonderful

Love keeps us united with God.
Love overcomes sin.
Love brings wicked and unbelievers to repentance and new life in God.
Love readily encourages our heart to Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

Love lives in TRUTH— TRUTH1 keeps us in Peace.
Love keeps us focused on God and always reminds us of the promise of Eternal life.
Love brings our life to Perfection— in God.
Love honours God and is always careful to avoid sin.
Love guides us to live wisely.

Love makes us fearless2.
Love gives us the strength to live Humbly and peacefully, even in difficult circumstances— always trusting in God.
Love Humbly and Patiently suffers— always trusting in God and hoping in the promise of Eternal life.
Love lives united with sufferings to bring Glory to God.

Love lives in Faithful Obedience to God.
Love lives conscientiously in honour of God.
Love lives Humbly in God.
Love keeps our life alive in God.
Love leads us to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Love is fruitful3 and generous.
Love lives selflessly in honour of God.
Love always lives in gratefulness to God.
Love does not seek or desire worldly commendation4— it  longingly hopes in God for Eternal reward.
Love brings order5 to our life.
Love fills our life with Joyful surprise and wonders.
Love makes our life Beautiful and Holy.

1. Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of the living God.

2. Fearless to live the Truth of God and to proclaim HIS word. Love makes us fearless in the face of death— in times of persecution.

3. Love keeps on growing and flourishing and bearing fruits in Spirit; it keep on giving generously.

4. Love performs every duty; task and responsibility with faithful obedience and sincerity, in honour of God— without the need for Praise or reward.

5. When we do not live in Love, every aspect of our life suffers— our patience; our tolerance; our ability to understand others; our relationship with others; our ability to forgive others— we mess up our life— eventually, we lose our inner peace.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Can we repay God's Love for us?

Can we repay God's Love for us?
Can we repay HIS sufferings and HIS death on the cross, for our salvation?
Can we repay God's patience for our sinful and unfaithful life?
Can we repay God's Mercy?

Love can never be repaid— Love can only be corresponded by living according to Jesus's Love1— by loving one another, as HE loved2 us.

By loving one another, we pay our greatest Honour and Reverence to God— more pleasing to God than any sacrifice.

1. To live according to Jesus's Love means— To be Merciful and  Forgiving; to be Gentle and Kind; to be Patient and Understanding; to be Reconciling.

2. To love one another by the standard of Jesus's Love will not be easy, but if we are determined to do what is pleasing and honorable to God, then God will perfect us in HIS love,  the way HE Blessed Daniel (who was determined not to incur any pollution by food and wine from the Royal table— in the Honour of God. [Daniel 1:8])

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Be calm, be still

When faced with difficult circumstances— when our heart is in turmoil— we need to be still, to think clearly and act wisely.

To seek Lord's help, we need to be calm1 and wait Patiently for HIM— and stop worrying.

The stillness of heart and the strength to stand firm in adversity comes from following the Commandment2 of Love.
Stillness comes from our  persevering Faith in God.
Stillness comes from our longing Hope in God.
Stillness comes when our heart and soul rests3 in God alone.

1. We need to be calm— trusting in God— that everything is under God's control and HE will allow everything to happen to us, for our greater good— according to HIS Most Holy Will.

2. The Grace to be Calm; to be Still; to be Peaceful, comes from the Commandment as the 'Commandment of Love' is rooted in Christ Jesus.

3. When our heart longs to be in God's presence— through Blessed Sacrament; through Prayer; through reading the Holy word.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Stubbornness is wickedness

Stubbornness is a vice and  wickedness— because it keeps us rooted in sin; it keeps us away from the Love1 of God; it keeps us away from repentance and reconciliation.

Stubbornness rebels and defies.
Stubbornness ruins every relationship.

Stubbornness could become gravely dangerous  if it pairs with ego; anger; pride; jealousy; grudge; hatred— even unto death.

1. It keeps us away from becoming a changed person— a new person in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

The Commandment of Love

God has given us a perfect Commandment for our life— foreseeing the weakness and wickedness of human nature.

God is Love. And God has given us the Commandment of Love, so that we can connect daily with HIM through our life of Love— that HIS Blessings and healing come upon us through Love.

Those who live in Love— live in Peace with God.
Those who live in Love— live in the Forgiveness and Mercy of God.

Love is the Commandment of healingLove makes1 and heals2 our life.
Love makes our life Beautiful and Holy.

Love gives us the strength to willingly and patiently bear our portion of sufferings for life.
Love keeps us on the path of Eternal life.

1. Love enriches us— Love builds us in Humility; in Patience; in Kindness; in Gentleness;  in Understanding; in Mercy. Love forms us into 'children of God'.

2. When you feel loved—  you begin to heal.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Begin with Faith— and end in Love

To begin new life in God— we always begin with our Faith1 in God.
'Faith in God' is the foundation for every other virtue to grow upon and prosper.
In proportion to our growing Faith— we grow in the Love of God; in Reverence towards God; in our understanding about God; in Patience and Perseverance; in Holiness and in all the other virtues.

Practicing a single virtue of Faith helps2 other virtues to grow progressively.
Keeping the fire of Faith going strong, helps other virtues to grow strong in God.
Finally, it is the virtue of Love which brings all the virtues to perfection in God.
The virtue of Love brings our life to a fruitful end in God.

1. One must acknowledge God (the Creator of Life and universe)— one must believe that Jesus is the Son of the living God.
2. Practicing a single virtue helps: all the virtues are interconnected with each other. Each virtue complements the excellence of other.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019


Those who Love God— they Forgive.
And those who Forgive1— they grow increasingly more in the Love of God.

The Grace of Forgiveness comes from our Loving relationship with God.
Forgiveness becomes difficult2 when we are more inclined to live by our natural inclinations— rather than living by the Spirit3 of God.

Learn to Forgiveand you'll start Loving again.

1. When Forgiveness becomes a virtue of your life.

2. Forgiveness becomes difficult— because anger; jealousy; pride; ego; stubbornness; unbelief; unfaithfulness (to the commandment of God) join forces to defy the commandment of Love— and it hardens our heart against Love.

3. Living by the Spirit: to commit our daily life to Prayer; to Faith in God; to Reverence of God; to Loving and Understanding others; to Charity and to deeds of Mercy— as much as opportunities and circumstances allow.

Remember, God loves a cheerful giver— so do everything cheerfully, without reluctance or under compulsion.

Sunday, 21 April 2019



Easter is the celebration of Jesus's victorious Love— the Love in which HE came into this world; the Love in which HE suffered for our sins; the Love in which HE offered HIMSELF as a sacrifice for our Salvation.

HIS Love defeated death for us and gained Eternal Life for us.

This Glorious day the Lord invites1 us to rejoice with HIM and celebrate the victory of HIS Love— over death and sin.

And HE commands us to live our life in HIS victorious Love— that we too, may receive the Grace to triumph over our sins and difficulties of this earthly life and rise again in HIM, in Eternal Life.

1. Despite the difficulties which we may be going through in our life; despite our gloom— it is in HIM alone, we find solace for our soul.



Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Prayer of Faith

Lord, I believe that YOU are the Son of the living God.
I believe that YOU are the Bread of Everlasting Life.
I believe that YOU are the Resurrection and the Life.
Help my unbelief that weakens me and makes me  fall into sin against YOU.

Make my Faith victorious in YOU.
Bless my Faith to triumph over all my sinful inclinations and difficult circumstances.
Bless my Faith to live sincerely in YOUR Love.
And bring my life to a Blessed end in YOU. AMEN.

Saturday, 13 April 2019


In the picture, we see Jesus (the light of the world) triumphantly heading towards HIS sorrowful and Glorious Passion.


In the picture, we see Jesus (the light of the world) triumphantly heading towards HIS sorrowful and Glorious Passion.


1. The light with the brilliant hearts in the background symbolizes Jesus (the light of the world) full of Love— eagerly and triumphantly entering into HIS sorrowful passion.

2. The heart with palm leaves in the background symbolizes a friendly and august welcome given by Jews to Jesus, Son of David. Further, the heart is inclined towards Jesus (the light of the world) symbolizing a moment of warm and Reverential welcome— as opposed to the 'night of betrayal' — which is inclined towards HIS crucifixion.

3. Among those who acclaimed Jesus as the 'King of Israel" were also the accusers who were to accuse HIM to crucifixion. The green hearts with palm leaves symbolizes friendly Jews who revered Jesus. The red hearts bordered with green symbolizes the hostile Jews and Pharisees— with a guile in their wicked hearts.

4. The betraying kiss of Judas Iscariot hiding behind the 'palm leaves welcome' alludes to the betrayal which is to follow soon. Judas's lips are shown in dual colour. The black lips smeared with blood symbolizes his deceitful nature. The white borderline denotes Judas as a 'false angel of light'.

5. The 'night of betrayal' is torn, denoting the disowning and scattering of the Disciples. The chains in the background denotes the captivity of Jesus. Judas's kiss and the night is inclined towards the condemnation of Jesus.

6. The fiery background; the pouring of blood; the lips of the accusers;  the thorns and the Cross denotes the intense suffering of Jesus; HIS sacrifice and HIS death— for our Salvation.

7. Amidst the intense suffering, the Cross is inclined towards the Glorious Resurrection, denoting Jesus's way of Salvation (from suffering into Glory)— and also a spiritual path for Christian way of life.

May our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen your Faith and make your Faith victorious in HIM.

I wish you all a 'Blessed Holy Week'.