Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Forgive us, Heavenly Father— for we have sinned

We are anxiously and desperately seeking to be delivered from this deadly pandemic.
But the greatest pandemic that has ever affected the world, and has continued for generations is— our unbelief in God; our indifference to God and our sins.

Our unbelief in God is more dangerous than any fatal pestilent disease and evil.
Pestilence and evil can do physical harm or fatally endanger our life.
Unbelief  can do an irreversible damage to our soul and can lead us to eternal damnation.

Calamities and tribulations befalls us not to destroy us, but to warn us— to turn away from sin; from our indifference to God and to turn towards God.

Like the stubborn, unbelieving and unrelenting Pharaoh, do we need a lash of tribulations to bring us to our knees?— to acknowledge our sins and repent like the people of Nineveh.

A brief respite caused Nineveh to believe in God and renounce their sinful ways.
Nineveh repented— and God relented.

A temporary standstill has allowed nature to refresh and heal itself.
But our human heart, human life, and human soul cannot heal on its own— it needs the Grace of God.

We should acknowledge God and seek HIS forgiveness for our unbelief; our indifference and our sins.
We should seek first to be delivered from this evil, which corrupts our heart and separates us from God.

For the Lord God says: "at one stroke I would subdue1 your enemies and turn my hand against your adversariesif only my people would listen to me, and walk in my ways."

For our God, is a God who saves.
For our God, is a God who is compassionate and rich in Faithful Love.
For our God, is a God who relents and who never fails to help us at any time or place.

1. Psalm 81:13-14

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